dimanche 9 juin 2013
The real history of the Goths people's of the origins
(Gutians in the mountains of Zagros, IRAN.) And after 711.
by Bernard Vernet-poirson (Author) with the kind assistance of Magali de Menerba ( translation-traduction Ms de s ) for sepulveda 940 (april 2013)
1 First gothie.
To the west of Iran, in the Zagros Mountains overlooking the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia, lived between the XXII and the sixth century before Christ, the warrior people of Gutis (Goutis). In-fifth century they occupied the country was still called the Gutium
Since the millennium-V peoples of the steppes, drawn by the great outdoors, regularly flooded, west Europe, south Iran, southeast of the Indies, to the east we find their traces in China's borders. It was unearthed in Xinjiang a hundred mummies Indo-European types dated -3000 and -1000.
It is unclear how these populations were formed as well as their origin, the classical theory the place south of Russia and north of the Caucasus, the home, too circumscribed, was actually extend beyond the Urals.
Above Fourth millennium or at the end of No-V, those who settled in Ukraine pushed to the Danubian plains, and later, in addition to the Atlantic.
Their repeated raids, tsunamis or infiltration, driving or assimilating Aboriginal people in their path, are at the origin of various cultures, more or less recognized by archeology. (André Martinet, "the steppes to the oceans," Payot. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, "Genes, peoples and languages", Odile Jacob, 1996).
At the end of the millennium-XXX, a large group of migrants surged on Iran and settled in the mountainous areas of Anshan (where they founded perhaps the proto-Elamite city Ansan) south of the country in what would become Elam. They were divided into several tribes. One of these tribes took the ethnonym "Guti", or was so designated by its neighbors, a name or a word whose meaning is unknown, the dominant clan called perhaps already " Guti. " Then these Gutis were driven by the Elamites: they migrated to the Zagros and sédentarisèrent between Diyala rivers and Zab-e-Kuchek. Warriors, farmers and ranchers, they practiced transhumance Kordestan in Lorestan. At the height of their expansion they occupied Kirkuk.
With Lulubis, from different ethnic backgrounds, they were the principal warriors of Zagros. A cuneiform text mentioning the origin of some slaves from the mountains, gives an interesting precision: "the Gutis to clear skin."
So highly individualized, and having neighboring civilizations knowing writing, Gutis have left very marked traces.
To -1900, cousins Indo-European, from the Danube plains and along the Volga, invaded the north Jutland and Scandinavia south they entered the Iranian plain Gurgan. Some, continuing, or resuming their advance, found themselves subjected by the Hurrians and other peoples of the Zagros .. Others reached the Indus Valley. The country "Anshan" that Gutis lived long, was written on the tablets of King guti Lassirab: Ansan. This rich Ansan comes "ansuz" Gothic, that is to say the handles. The ancestors of Languedoc handles made of the gods which they boasted down (AN means both "god" and "heaven"). Later, legends gathered in Iceland call "Aesir". Years can be found in many formations anthroponyms the Goths and in Carolingian: Ansemund, Ansegisèle, Ansila ...
In-XXII century, the king of Akkad - Agade - Sarganissari who "laid the foundations of the Babylonian temples Annunit and year-Amal" fights Gutis who had invaded his country and capture their leader Sarlak . His grand-son Naram-Sin also had to fight them, "victorious". It was found in Susa a tablet on which the king, foreign to the city, says, with all the gods Elamite, Babylonian god AMAL, which specifically addressed the Akkadian their devotions. Become masters of the country, Gutis naturally adopted this god, if they were already in their pantheon. Two other gods invoked by Lassirab (guti king) on a tablet are Ishtar and the moon god Sin. In the fourth century, Wulfila, the apostle of the Goths, forbade them forcefully worship of the moon .. A deity, introduced in Mesopotamia by Ammorites was "Haddad" (Adad), "the thundering" brandishing a hammer. The god Thor, the favorite of the Goths (the winner of the Huns called "Thorismund"), is also "the thunder that carries a hammer." Ishtar is the goddess of sexuality and the generation that occurs through prostitution, which is the same as Freya, the "from" Scandinavian who "runs after the rut."
Two millennia later, Gotaland and Gothiscanza the skalds told the mythical ancestor of one of the two Gothic 'royal' clans named Amal. "The first of these was Gapt handles, which begat Halmal; Halmal begat Augis; Augis begat one called Amala Amal which takes its origin" (Jordanes).
The name of the other clan "royal" Gothic Balthe, assimilated to the Germanic bald, bold, daring, is of Semitic origin. Its root Baal means lord, master. Baltaya was a common name in Mesopotamia.
Naram-Sin, a descendant of Sargon (-2270) one of the great king of Akkad, repulsed several attacks. At the death of his son, the Akkadian empire went into a total anarchy, which profited the Gutis to conquer Mesopotamia. A Sumerian text describes them as "the people without discipline has the look and language of dogs. The god Enlil brought them down from the mountains to ravage the land like locusts. " These scorpions "... these snakes ... they stole the wives, children, covered the land of ruins, crushed the people with taxes: One hundred years later, after their departure, we still wrote about their misdeeds. They took Kirkuk all the statues of the gods. " But during their occupation they protected the empire. Their king-Erridu Pizir won several victories over the Lullubis and Hurrians.
To -2120, the king of Uruk, Utuhégal, attacked, refusing to negotiate their proposal. The Gutis were defeated. Tirikan their king fled and found refuge Dubrum. Threatened with reprisals, the inhabitants of the city fought to Utuhéga
The authors chronic Mesopotamian are accused of having invented a long royal genealogy gutéenne Akkad to give more weight to a "modest" victory of the king of Uruk. We must then question the whole story, usually written by the victors. It is true that the names of some of these rulers are curious Iku Kum Lakaba "stinky oil free speech" or I-Ar Lakaba, "it moves silently." The scribes were revenge afterwards, hated by the wordplay kings. According to the different royal chronicles, there were 12, 21 or 23 kings Gutis over periods ranging from 91 to 125 years. A clay manuscript gives an interesting precision: "The army Gutium had no king, all together it reigned five years, the first king was then Isu-Ing." (Mesopotamian Chronicles of J.-J. Glassner, the Belles Lettres 1993).
Sulgi Sumerian king of Ur, who reigned for half a century (-2094-2047), is baited to conquer the highlands of Lulubis and Hurrians. In the same period Gutis had defeated the king of Elam Puzur-Inshushinak and left his battered country. Sulgi (Shulgi) took advantage of the post and the Ansan. He appealed to keep its new borders, warriors peoples Zagros he paid as mercenaries.
-1250 ° to Shalmaneser I (-1273 to 1244) attacked unsuccessfully the Gutis "skilled at killing."
AssurResh Ishi-I ° (-1132-1115) successfully waged war against the peoples of the Zagros and the Lullumis "Kutis."
Tiglath-Pileser (-1115-1077) also had to do with Lullumé and "Qutu."
(In this period include: History of Antiquity, Edward Meyer, ed Geuthner, 1926.).
On the sidelines of Mesopotamia, the Gutis warriors farmers then formed a large "barbarous" nation with whom he had still count in the seventh century before Christ. In -691, with other peoples of the Zagros, they took advantage of the king of Elam, Humban Niména-II (Menanu) who, with their help and that of the Chaldeans, fighting successfully Assyria (Battle of Halulé).
After the departure of a large faction of their warrior elite following the Scythians, they continued, despite their subservience to Babylon, and their rallying to the Persians, to play an important role.
Thousand years before Christ the Scythians roamed the steppes which extend on both sides of the Urals, the Scythians were the primary itself a set of nomadic tribes whose unity was more cultural than political clan. Inter-tribal wars seem to have been one of their main entertainment. The main clans occupying a territory that stretched from the Kuban (North Caucasus) to the plains of southern Russia and Ukraine. . Powerful and restless-between VII and VI ° s, they overflowed their field until East Germany, Hungary, Romania they gave, perhaps, rise to the branch ciency. Warriors and adventurous, they went expeditions that led to Persia, Assyria, Asia Minor, Egypt. -680 To some Scythian tribes gathered by Bartatua, crossed the Caucasus and, combining the Cimmerians of northern Iran, indulged in looting the country under the Taurus Assyrian suzerainty. Repressed by Assarhadon king of Assyria, Scythians and Cimmerians attacked the Phrygian kingdom, enemy of Assyria. Assarhadon in gratitude, gave one of his daughters to the Scythian king (-676). These Scythians settled in Urartu, and Azerbaijan. In a short time they managed to vassals Medes and embarked on a major expedition to plunder, they crossed the Zagros, it overcame the various peoples who lived there, bringing with them, willingly or unwillingly, gutis two clans can be drawn (next chapter). Then they invaded Syria and Palestine, Egypt felt threatened, Pharaoh Psammetik I (founder of the XXVI dynasty) would have paid to divert their ardor. (To -635). .
The king of the Medes, Cyaxares, the Scythe held hostage managed to regain his freedom by killing enemy leaders during a banquet. The Medes, then, took the initiative and victorious Assyria and Babylon they turned against the Scythians and definitely boutèrent region. Some settled between the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea: no them as the ancestors of the Parthians. Others began serving Cyaxare. Most, with Gutis, continued the adventure in Ukraine. They became the Royal Scythians, enriching their paid tribute to the Greek cities of the Black Sea (Crimea), and controlling the interaction between these cities and northern Europe.
From -550, they organized new plundering expeditions to Poland and East Germany and flourished the Lusatian civilization disappeared suddenly.
The Gutis in their train, clan warriors Balthe and Amal, refused their absorption by the Scythians, despite numerous alliances throughout the first "big wandering." The southern shores of the Baltic they crossed the sea and occupied by winning indigenous, rich plains of Sweden, who will become the "Gotland".
What became of the Zagros Gutis? The Gutium, Babylonian province, took him under the authority of the Governor Ugbaru the party of Cyrus II (539), allowing it to enter Babylon without a fight, "then the Gutis carrying shields surrounded the doors Esagil, but there was no interruption of rites "there. In-III ° s. The army Gutium occurs during the reigns of the descendants of Alexander the Great in Babylon. It is likely that the Goths and Gutis not be ignored: we will see that in 536 the Ostrogoths in Italy asked the help of the Persians against the Byzantines. Goths travelers going very far: they found in India, in a cave-temple of Junnar, inscriptions identified as Gothic by archaeologists Bhagwanlal and Burgess.
The same third century before Christ, the Sarmatians invaded the plains of Ukraine, subjecting the Scythians. They were followed by other Iranian Alans. These people from Iran had to face the Goths when they decided to found a new Gothia of "Romania in the Urals
The main source of information on this period comes from the historian Jordanes alano-goth who wrote about 550. In his book, he summed up in a book "History of the Goths" in twelve volumes, written by Cassiodorus at the request of Theodoric of Italy, missing work. In his dedication Jordanes we warned: "These books are not available to me ... I've read a long time ago in the space of three days." One might then question the reliability of his account, but then very sagas "sung" (partly at the origin of songs gestures), as well as stories of his contemporaries perpetuating the memory of their ancestors, like those of their Greco-Roman enemies he knew make his "Origo Gothica" irreplaceable and gives a tragic and glorious image of the people, after two millennia of stability in Iran ("The origin and deeds of the Goths", trans. Savagner Garnier Brothers 1881).
In the fourth century before Christ, Pytheas, Marseille browser meets Goutones in northern Europe. Several Greek and Roman authors report the "Goutons" and "Goutis" on both sides of the Baltic Sea. (Guti Akkad was pronounced "Guti").
In southern Sweden archeology indicates a reduction of the Gothic necropolis from-5O, due to an exodus of population caused, apparently, by a cooling climate.
The first migration from Götaland therefore begins before -50, to the warmer areas of the continent west of the mouth of the Vistula. According to historian goth organize his countrymen that they place a great expedition under the command of a "king" chosen for the occasion, Bérig. His warriors landed heavily and hunt Ulméruges. They establish a beachhead and then "they subdued the Vandals, their neighbors, and called to share their victories" (Jordanes).
For over fifty years the Burgundians occupied the banks of the Vistula, in good agreement with the Goths.
Archaeology recognizes culture Luboszyce (Oder-Neisse) assigned to the Burgundians, important similarities with the culture of Wielbark attributed to the Goths.
Jordanes (boasting somewhat when he says the imposition by the Goths, the Vandals) use to illustrate this "exodus" a shortcut peddled by various Scandinavian sagas: the Goths embarked on three ships. Two arrived on the continent. Many historians take a little too literally this text and conclude that only a small community emigrated. But this allegory, common to several Scandinavian nations - we still find the principle in gesture Aimeri of Narbonne is decrypts as follows: the population was divided into three parts, two of which left the country by sea
Paul Deacon (720-799) in his history of the Lombards (of gestis Logobardum) recounts the departure of his fellow southern Sweden:
"When the population had grown to the point of having more space, it was divided into three parts, and it drew lots which should leave to find another home. "What does Jordanes:" This is the Scanzia island as a factory nation as a "matrix of peoples" that came the Goths. " It was not exactly the case for the Goths, but not least evokes a reality this Scanzia were crowded all peoples "Germanic" Skires, Bastarnae, Burgundians, Vandals, Ruges, Cimbri had to origins Norway, Teutons, Sledges, Denmark ... They were prolific and restless. When the earth could no longer meet their needs they went to see again, "because the country produces more men than it can feed" (P.Diacre).
Götaland, Sweden, held by those who gave it its name, is huge (30-35000 km.2) compared to small territories from the rest of Scandinavia which left most other tribes. E. Demougeot noted that the Goths occupied the granary of Sweden today, all of the countries with 1 tenth of arable land, against 1/144 Norway (Emilienne Demougeot, training in Europe and the barbarian invasions, Aubier 1969). To get an idea of what it should be Götaland in a favorable climate, we can rely on the testimony of Adam of Bremen who visited the climate is apparently being improved around 1070: "It is a country fertile, rich in crops and honey, and fertility herds exceeds that of other countries "(Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum).
However, Jordanes gives us a different picture for his time: "Never, because of the severity of the cold, we are not meeting the swarms of honey bees fruitful."
The Goths, as we have seen, took as a starting point to Sweden, which was to Mazury later their name: Anja Gotisk the coast of the Goths (now Gdansk, Poland) and Gothiscanza. Many of them stayed behind, mixed with Vénèdes pre-Slavic, joined to -100 by the Burgundians. That's when the Vandals arrived a hundred years earlier in Pomerania, where they formed a confederation of small nations, wanted to submit riparian tribes of the Vistula. The massive expedition led by Bérig had therefore also intended to release these tribes, perhaps at the request of the Burgundians.
As the success of this war that the deteriorating climatic conditions have contributed to the migration of a large part of the population. But it was done gradually and not abruptly. This war against the Vandals, who was violent and cruel, made them the implacable enemies of the Goths. She also went hard when they met in Spain.
Between 10 and 20 after Christ, Goths, still powerful, are involved in the quarrels of the Germans. "There was among Gotons a young nobleman, Catualda, once forced to flee the tribe Maroboduus" (Tacitus). With the help of the Goths, and the support of some of the Marcomanni - Maroboduus which was the "king" - it takes power. But the Romans, who began to take an interest in Germany, involving the Hermunduri the "king" Vibillius. Catualda pass the Romans who assigns residence in Frejus. Maroboduus, he is allowed to Ravenna, but all the faithful of the two leaders, "not to disturb the peace of" our "provinces," says Tacitus, were exiled from the Maros (Mures) and Koros, tributaries of the Danube , where they needed a leader Qade, Vannius. Who was this Catualda? Probably the head of a Gotho-marcomanique family name, distorted by Tacitus, is the Gothic Catto-hald. From this "catto" there are several names in the South and ... in Normandy old Cato (Gers) Catteville (Manche) ...
Marcomanni settled later in Bohemia.
This war marks the beginning of the confrontation between Goths and Romans, and Tacitus, the son of Tiberius, Drusus, who "was honored by the skill with which he divided the Germans."
Yet those that historians call the "Eastern Germans" are still poorly known Roman writers. Tacitus described the Goths subject to "kings," "without humiliating their freedom."
At the end of the first century they finally arrive that our historian called "Goths lazy" or "slow", the Gepids, the third passenger ship migrants Götaland, which begin to take the place by killing the Burgundians. This was not to the liking of their compatriots. The ongoing clashes caused by the requirement of a division of land, and, finally, "the masses have increased in huge proportions" (Jordanes), Goths decide to extend their area towards the south-east - where they came a few centuries earlier. This second "migration" is made in stages, preceded by vanguard of warriors. It was a peristaltic progression imposed by the number. This is a characteristic of this nation. Their movement has always done gradually, sometimes over several generations, as was the case once again, and the like will be later in the Languedoc. Migration of other barbarians were always brutal and fast: Vandals from Germany to Africa, Ostrogoths and Lombards in Italy ... (not to mention the Cimbri and Teutons defeated by Marius in Vercelli -101).
The conquest of Ukraine and Moldova had resulted in the submission of the Goths scattered tribes whose "Spali" an Alain tribe and Vénèdes, the ancestors of the Slavs. A measure of their advance Goths face the Sarmatians, the pushing and releasing their Scythian slaves they incorporate. Jordanes appropriates their history, with legitimacy Agobard in the ninth century, called "Scythian" Goths of the Carolingian Empire.
The Greeks called the Visigoths "Getae" a people whose parents Scythians they occupied part of the territory (Moldova).
During this migration the Goths were not moving in the dark. They traveled the country, formerly with the Scythians, and some had to go often.
On the banks of the Dniester, fighting against the Sarmatians were more violent, but they proportionally few, ended up agreeing with the invaders: Sarmatians and Goths often associated themselves for plundering expeditions among the Greeks. It is during these alliances Ostrogoths adopted heavy equipment, battleship, Sarmatian horsemen, while the Visigoths remain faithful to the light cavalry they held the Scythians.
We saw the Goths had two clans called "royal." In reality there were two tribes, each and together, more or less strong family ties, and whose leaders, reiks were democratically elected in case of need (such as Bérig and Ing-Isu Akkad). The fourth area of Gothia immense, stretching from Romania to the outskirts of the Urals. Both clans logically shared this conquest is to Amal became the Ostrogoths (Ostlich Goten: Goths is) west to Balthe, became the Visigoths (Westlich Goten: Goths from the West). We do not know if they even called themselves as well. We know that the Visigoths were called TERVINGI, "men of forests" (Romania), and VESI, "good." The Ostrogoths them, were nicknamed GREUTINGI, "men of the steppes" or "stone."
The Greco-Latin were the Goths a reputation for having a powerful kingdom. This idea came to them of the quality of leaders called reiks, it was natural to make rex. These, apart from periods of unrest, met more or less regular meeting draft parliament, "méguistan". Who were these reiks genealogy and what can we do? If the work of Cassiodorus we had arrived we might have a genealogy to the glory of Amal, since it is Theodoric of Italy, Amal, who commissioned these studies to the great Roman. Jordanes gives us great directions, from Cassiodorus AND sagas. Between Bérig who defeated the Vandals, and that led the Filimer Tervinges Greutunges and Ukraine, and "which is the fifth king after the government Bérig" two centuries ago for five kings. Unlikely. But the historian writes that his countrymen "celebrated in song accompanied by the harp, the deeds of their ancestors, of Ethespamara, Amala, of Fredigern of Widicula and other" heroes of the time Filimer earlier. This being the son of the Grand Gunderic, we, along with other unknown, more kings than it takes to establish a genealogy of conventional type, which in the case of these people, in these times does not make sense. "They followed us said Cassiodorus-compiler from the reign of the fifth king after the government Berig, notice Filimer of Filogud and Arechi." We understand that there were three reiks and that Filimer was only elected leader or king? The word is king in Gothic: thiudans. Title may be given to Filimer. In all cases the strength of the people came from his clan aristocracy, which we elected a (thiudans) or more leaders (reiks) in case of danger. What is certain is that a hereditary kingship from father to son did not exist at the time.
Occupied by the Visigoths, before 376 territory, that is to say after the fourth Gothia Gutium, Gothiscanza Gotaland and corresponded approximately to the land between the Dniester River to the north, the Danube to the south, west Olt (a tributary of the Danube), the Black Sea to the east. Beyond, to the east, was the Ostrogothic area extending to Don and gradually further.
Very crowded on the eve of the arrival of the Huns, its estimated packing density equal to half of that, an average of the Empire (then under depopulation) which gives a population of one million three hundred thousand, three quarters of Tervinges, the remainder consisting of various allied tribes or subject.
After the Greek city of Olbia, in 238, the Goths never ceased to harass the Roman Empire. In 242, the Sarmatian allies, they penetrated into Moesia, where they were quickly suppressed. They récidivèrent in 243, led by Argunt and Gunderic and still ravaged Moesia and Thrace, accompanied this time by the cruel carp of Bastarnae and Vandals. In 248, King Ostrogotha (Clan Amal) because "the Goths, according to their custom, saw, angrily denied their subsidies" (Jordanes) mobilizes an army of thirty thousand wisi-Ostrogoths with Taifales and carp, they crossed the Danube once, then a second time with reiks Argunt and Gunderic, replacing Ostrogotha retained by an attack of the Vandals to Gepidae allies, whom the king inflicted a bloody defeat.
In 250, one of the greatest kings Balthes Kniva, gathered a large army composed of men from all allied or vassal tribes. Forming three body "expeditionary" they invaded the Empire, winning victory after victory for three years, until the death of Kniva (253). The Emperor Decius and his son were killed by resisting them (251).
In 266, Respa and Veduco, Thuro and Varo reiks goths, seized vessels, passed the Hellespont (the Dardanelles) plundered many cities and fought the flames the Temple of Diana at Ephesus ... from there they passed into Bithynia, "overthrew" Chalcedon ... they recrossed the strait of the Hellespont, after ravaging their path Trojan Illion ... The Burgundians and Eudusiens had joined them.
In 267, the Goths and Heruli cocked again a fleet of several hundred ships (six thousand ships as a writer of the time) and attacked the empire by sea for a "multitude" of Goths and various tribes invaded Thrace overland, bringing together some three hundred and twenty thousand men, women and children. It is no longer a looting operation, but an attempt to massive invasion. Scattered, they were defeated by the Emperor Claudius II (win Naissus, 269). The plague was due to many vanquished and victor.
If less than a century after the arrival of the Goths to the Black Sea, such a number of barbarians could be together, even making allowance for exaggeration, is that immigration to the Germans "East Germany" which was beginning to be problems associated with high birth, was amplified. The reluctance of the Goths to share the land pushed them to organize their departure, perhaps some of them, but especially "foreign" tribes cumbersome. The operation may seem suicidal, but the one hand it was well prepared and synchronized with the Ostrogoths and Heruli on the other hand the Romans for having bad habit to install as farmers in the Empire, lacking hands- force, the defeated, the risk was reduced (and indifferent to the Goths). Events turned pretty bad this time: not fooled the Romans treated the survivors as slaves, hoping to discourage further attempts.
In 270, the Goths still pirates infested the seas Greece. In 271, Emperor Aurelian won a "great victory" over the Visigoths, that is to say, after a quick campaign he slew five miles with their thiudans Cnivida (great grandfather of Gébéric). This victory was followed by the allocation of subsidies to Tervinges who Aurelian abandoned, moreover, Dacia Traiana.
To complete the "cleansing" the Goths drove towards the Empire, their former allies carps Bastarnae and pushed out of their western border, the Vandals and Gepids (291). This allowed them to properly reinstall goths adventure 269, who had managed to board the Danube survivors.
In 275-276, the Goths Pontide (northern shores of the Black Sea) undertook a sea voyage and landed in Colchis (South Caucasus) plundered Asia Minor, according to their tradition, until they are deported by Emperor Tacitus on arrival in Cilicia.
From 295 to 305 the Visigoths invest the Monténie (Wallachia) and their area of occupancy was between the Danube and the Dnieper. In 315, Constantine fought the Franks and Alemanni, must leave Trier tervinge to repel an invasion.
In 322, Rausimod (that is to say "Raginmund" the Gothic "ragineis" advise and "munds" protection, gave "Raymond" and "Ramon") Visigoth king, combined with Sarmatians invaded Valerie ( Is Hungary). Constantine was able to crush and kill him. The prisoners were established as settlers in the empire.
In 323, the Visigoths sacked yet Moesia and Thrace. Constantine forced them to release their captives. Victory, as always, was incomplete and followed by an agreement: tervinges many warriors were integrated into the army of the emperor. With this reinforcement it could defeat his rival Licinius. This usurper had, too, a contingent of goths warriors under the command of reiks Alica.
In 325, Constantine founded Constantinople and Jordanes tells us that to build "this famous city," he was helped by the Goths. The Tervinges will prevail this time helping to Constantine, it was (Theodosius with a less justified) the subject of a special esteem by the Visigoths.
In 331, the Tervinges get the Sarmatians who took to resist armed their slaves. The reiks Vidigoïa was killed, but the Sarmatians, cornered, appealed to the emperor. Taking advantage of the harsh winter 332, Constantine intervened and the Goths inflicted a tough loss. Famine decimated families who had entered Sarmatian territory to colonize. However that may overcome the Roman emperor concluded a treaty with the reiks Ariaric and Aoric (foedus 332) which provided hostages and Warriors in exchange for subsidies.
Since 291 there has been a systematic policy of colonization of land by the Visigoths who hunted as they increase, the more or less allied tribes they ruled on site.
Ukraine and Moldova, the area called culture "Tcherniakov", that is to say, culture corresponding to the Visigoth occupation, the number of habitats was very high and large. They "demonstrate a high density of population (Michel Kazanski, Goths, Wandering 1991). In this fourth territory Goths seem to have everything to gain a permanent home. The Ostrogoths extended eastwards with Hermanaric at their head, came to the Urals. The Visigoths progressed stubbornly south-west (and south: Moesia was being colonized at the time of the arrival of the Huns). The consequences of this deliberate policy were tragic for some of repressed peoples, falling back on Germany, provoked movements of tribes beyond the Rhine. "Renounce Rome, defeated in the war against the barbarians" wrote prophetically, at the conclusion of his Roman History, Dion Cassius in 228.
In 335 Gébéric elected king, attacked the Vandals and won a decisive victory, the survivors took refuge in Pannonia, if one believes Jordanes. But do not break the foedus 332 (there were Roman intervention), the Tervinges renounced occupy the conquered territory. Vandals remained confined between three Körös and Maros where is L. Schmidt (History of Vandals, Payot 1953).
From 360 they began their looting raids. There were some punitive responses, which did not prevent the Goths help Julien in 363 in its Mesopotamian war. After his death was invaded Thrace. In retaliation, Valens, the new Emperor of the East, denounced the treaty of 332 the usurper Procopius hastened to renew to get the help of the barbarians. Valens responds quickly, he captured and executed Procopius (366) before the arrival of the Goths. He sent an embassy to reiks Athanaric to summon him to explain. Athanaric is justified in stating the relationship of Procopius with Constantine. The Emperor refused the apology and declared war. He crossed the Danube in 367, but refused Athanaric confrontation and took the "underground" in the Carpathians. In 368 a Danube flood prevented a second campaign of Valens. He succeeded in 369 by crossing the river on a bridge made of rafts together. Goth leader still refused the fight and harassed the enemy: "They were hiding in the marshes and threw away stealth skirmishes" (Zosimus, IV, 12). Valens, then, offered a premium that would bring him the head of a Goth. According to the Greek historian "survivors demanded an armistice." The emperor agreed: losses caused by an elusive enemy were too high. For their part the Goths were threatened with famine indeed the Romans attacked each year at harvest time. Athanaric Valens met on a raft in the middle of the river, to treat as an equal at the request of Tervinge (Greco-Roman historians tried to save face by claiming that the chief Vesi had promised his father never set foot on Roman soil ...) Also according to these historians treaty "was nothing dishonorable to the Romans."
Athanaric advantage of the return of peace to persecute Christians. It seems he wanted, taking advantage of the growing influence of these, establish a kingdom in its favor based on the traditionalists who saw Christianity as subversive. It déclancha a civil war that was fatal to the fourth Gothia.
In 375, the Allied invasion of the Huns Alans, reinforced by various peoples dispossessed Greutunges. The Ostrogothic empire collapsed: "The Alexander" goth Hermanaric (Emenric) committed suicide, his son died in battle. Two reiks, Alatheus Safrac and took charge of her child Vidéric and joined the Visigoths. A spilled their turn, some of them under the Athanaric orders, took refuge in the Carpathians to organize a resistance which illustrated Mundéric. The Tervinges even tried, it seems to erect a fortified lime. The Visigoths stayed in the plains, mostly Christians, faithful to reiks Fredegern and Alavivus, wanted to cross the Danube and take refuge in the Roman Empire. Fredegern Valens did ask permission to cross the river (376), pledging to serve in the fight against the Hun threat. Valens, then at war against the Persians, uninformed of the actual situation, they are allowed parked in Moesia and Thrace until his return.
They crossed the river during the 376 fall. "He received the Getae in the campaigns of Moesia and established there as a bulwark against other nations" (Jordanes). "The incorporation of these foreigners in the national army would make invincible" (Ammianus).
"Officer in charge of finding ways to cross the Danube to all these formidable hosts were sent. We saw to it that no destructive future of the empire remained on the other side ... "(Ammianus).
Witnesses describe the magnitude, unexpected, what is averra be a migration, and reveal their fear: "days and nights, the Goths, crammed in boats, on rafts of logs , across the river. Quantities of them will be trying to move through the water and drowned ... all this eagerness to reach the ruins of the Roman world "... There were too many for one could count," the officer in charge of census finally had renounce (from) ... so will count the grains of sand raised by the wind on the beaches of Libya! "(Ammianus). Eunapius Sardis said there were two hundred thousand warriors in the first wave of refugees.
"The barbarian ground vomit, as the lava of Etna, his children on our land" and is a "river broke its banks," "an erupting volcano", a "devastating torrent."
On the left bank piled a crowd of fugitives that the Empire refused to accommodate because too many. But Ostrogoths and Alans rallied ordered by reiks Alatheus and Safrac, and other Goths and Taiffales gathered by reiks Farnobius, crossed the Danube downstream, without the knowledge of the Roman army.
Lupicinus and Maximus, surveillance officers Fredegern the Goths, took advantage of the absence of the Emperor to exploit. "The general, driven by greed, made them pay very expensive, not only mutton and beef, but the meat of dogs and unclean animals died of disease: things came to the point that these unfortunates had give a slave bread or ten pounds of meat, and when they no longer had neither slave nor material, greedy merchants, enjoying the hunger that tormented demanded they gave them their son. "(Jordanes)
Zosima, who spares his compatriots less than Jordanes, and closer to events, says things more bluntly: "... senior officers crossed the river to disarm the barbarians before they cross the border, but they cared about nothing other than to seize beautiful women and boys in the prime of life to shameful debauchery. " In March 377, fearing an alliance ente them and Ostrogoths, two Roman generals invited to a banquet and Alavivus Fredegern with intent to murder. Fredegern but managed to escape, "he heard the cries of the unfortunate dying, the soldiers, in order, tried to kill his companions locked in another room, and the voice of the dying that broke forcefully echoed in his ears suspicious and immediately Fredegern, suspecting treachery, drew his sword in the same banquet hall, came with great boldness and great promptness, tore his companions imminent death and excited to kill the Romans ... The day put an end to the famine of the Goths and Romans security. "(Jordanes).
Some troops could upset the barbarians north of the Balkans, but in the south, which the Germanic settlers joined the rebellious slaves mines Macedonia went Fredegern rally. The country was ravaged. Lupicinus who could gather some legions were massacred with them. The track released, many Greutunges crossed the Danube, aided by Tervinges. In the months that followed, taking advantage of the chaos, other fugitives Goths, Alans, Huns and even mingled with them, crossed the river. The reports give a contemporary image of tidal waves, "devastating torrent." It is there an element of exaggeration due to the terror caused by these unruly bands exasperated by famine, burning, looting, raping? One may wonder why Fredegern, as later Alaric did not use this mass was allowed to invest the Empire. Apart from the fact that these bands were uncontrollable, Gothic society, such as Roman aristocratic slave, did not take such a compromise. From a strictly military Visigoths were favored by breaks loose that sowed these revolted in economic terms, by their competition, they multiplied the difficulties of supply.
While Western Emperor Gratian, sends his army. Fredegern and "regular" troops were repulsed, they barricaded themselves between the Danube and the Black Sea, Little Scythia. The reiks appealed to Alatheus and Safrac. Their cavalry relieve the besieged (été377). This is the first intervention of the armored cavalry that often come out of a bad situation.
Where was the Gothan people during this war? Fredegern did not cause as warriors with trucks constituting stewardship. For Tervinges Great Wandering must get rid once and for all, the cliché of the "warriors going into battle followed women and their brats." When Radagaisus and two hundred thousand Ostrogoths invaded Italy, they were easily defeated due to families who crowded. Before the battle of Adrianople the reports received Valens gave the figure of ten thousand men on their way to the city. Then, before the engagement, the Romans saw that the warriors were more than expected, double, and without their families.
Only cities equipped with ramparts were spared. The Romans won some success: they massacred Farnobius and motley tribe. The survivors were sent to Italy and Aquitaine. The situation became desperate Valens abandoned Syria where he faced the Persians, and joined Greece with its powerful and seasoned army (Spring 378), he mobilized on site and disposed of forty thousand men. Quite unpopular in the capital, the emperor went to Adrianople to which Fredegern then made recklessly movement. Valens waited before going on the attack, reinforcements promised by Gratian, but they were delayed by the Alans. Goth reiks who barricaded himself behind a rampart of wagons, waiting, meanwhile, the intervention of the invincible cavalry Alano-Greutunge. To save time, he tried to parley, claiming Thrace as an institution for his people. Valens refused: he saw in these attempts to negotiate an admission of weakness. Driven by his staff, he decided to attack the morning of August 9. By late afternoon, Fredegern impregnable behind his chariots, made new proposals that seemed to have been accepted, because he asked a senior hostage as "guaranteed to convince his warriors" good liver enemies. The indiscipline of some Roman officers foiled the operation when, appropriately, came the horsemen and Alatheus Safrac that fell on the besiegers. The Visigoths rushed their carts: the Roman army was crushed. She lost two thirds of its soldiers. Valens disappeared in battle, presumably burned in a hut where, wounded, he fled, and when the Goths, ignoring his presence, set on fire.
The Danube then began "vomiting" fugitive Goths mixed with others of different ethnicities. The Eastern Empire was raked to the borders of Italy. The Alatheus hordes Safrac, magnified many Ostrogoths settled in Pannonia, where preceded the Tervinges of Athanaric and families warriors Fredegern.
Fredegern tried to Adrianople and other cities. But do not have siege equipment he was rejected every time. He failed to even before Constantinople (378). A search of food his men deserted, and went to Pannonias. Its scope was more limited. At the end of the year, the Sarmatians, who occupied the Banat, between the Danube and Tisza, repelled by the Goths crossed the border. Gratien gave the command of the army in the Spanish Theodosius managed to repress. The Western emperor then offered him the throne of Byzantium Theodosius gathered the remains of the troops of Valens, including hiring barbarian Goths motivated by hunger. Gratien they fought together with some time, winning minor success.
Fredegern reacts; federating Alans with Tervinges he attacked Thessalonica (380). Theodosius who rushed to the aid of the city was surrounded. He managed to escape, narrowly escaping the Goths and the fate of Valens. Visigoths and Ostrogoths invested Dacia and Macedonia. The emperor sent them his barbarian mercenaries under the command of the Franks and Bauto Argobast. Fredegern was forced to make a "strategic" retreat into Thrace and Moesia seconds.
The problems caused in the West by the Alemanni forced Gratian to recall its forces. Alatheus Safrac and took advantage, winning the Goths in place to consolidate their installation between Belgrade and Budapest, that is to say, in both Pannonias the Valerie, a part of the Savie, forming the fifth Gothia: substratique a component of the Hungarian people is Gothic.
So sick Theodosius could not intervene: he recognized their status Federated.
Fredegern resumed his cruise robbery to Epirus, Thessaly, Achaia, provinces hitherto relatively untouched. Well stocked, and being healed Emperor of Byzantium, the reiks in a position of strength went there to negotiate. Fittingly he died at that time, as Athanaric reappeared with some of his followers and the strong support of Theodosius who imposed the Goths. He also died in 381, having signed a shameful treaty which referred the Goths beyond the Danube to "fight." Reiks of which were hostile to him-which Erwulf-imposed a new treaty on October 3 382, which allowed the Visigoths to settle in Dacia and Thrace (already occupied).
We can justly consider qu'Athanaric, who made the games by Theodosius interest Alatheus and Safrac having shorted Fifth Gothia, was murdered by his countrymen will be one of the first of a long series of leaders run from that date: direct democracy gothic way. Fredegern was probably poisoned by order of Theodosius who was then come Athanaric "he gained by his generosity Athanaric king who had succeeded Fredegern, and invited him to join him in Constantinople!" (Jordanes). That Athanaric became bought by the emperor who imposed the Goths that hides the historian who makes the natural successor to his rival, as if reiks had elected; Jordanes followed the story of Cassiodorus who recall the, worked for a king Amal. Zosima, it gives a more consistent with the reality of the esteem in which his fellow-citizens Athanaric Version "Goths procured food and got rid of Athanaric for anyone opposed to their business." And when he died, "Theodosius had him buried in a royal tomb. Such magnificence was deployed all barbarians were struck by his excessive pomp: the Scythians returned home and no longer worried the Romans. " The funeral was a "media" manipulation has had more impact on historians as the Goths! Athanaric is praised to the skies at the expense of Fredegern by quenching unusual. We will see that historians demolished-and-demolish Alaric in the same way (as much later broke down Bernard of Septimania) probably because the memory of these men is amazing-they think-danger. For whom? This is an inconsistency of today Languedoc do not even have given a name to their avenue greatest heroes (including Athaulf). Only Dhuoda, which favors the church has the right to honor this (deserved).
For ten years Tervinges not elected him to "thiudans." Many, cramped in Dacia Thrace, joined the Ostrogoths Pannonias which dominated. More or fewer of the Goths remained in Romania-Ukraine. Reiks their names are known to us: Winguric, Aramir son of a "queen" of the Goths beyond the Danube and brother Dulcilla. Crimea, and to the shores of the Volga, there is evidence that even spoke Gothic in the 16th century. Here to escape religious and demographic pressure Tatar conquerors part joined the Cossacks.
The reiks Dacia Thrace were divided on the strategy for the future of the Nation, some are very sensitive to the "charms" Theodosius.
Zosimus (IV, 56) to us by an incident that illustrates this floating. At a banquet given by Emperor Erwulf, Arian and supporter of a recovery action, clung with Fravitta, pagan and supporter of strict compliance foedus 382. Abuse libations helping two men came to blows and Fravitta Erwulf killed. The Roman guards had to intervene to stop the brawl that followed (392). Fravitta obtained as a reward for his act, or contract - Roman citizenship and leadership. This assassination was useless, not the aristocracy toppled the imperial side, Alaric acquiring more and more authority.
Alaric, as the Goths in general, is not loved by historians. One of them, in the 19th century, this will grandroi judgment as hate qu'inique "while waiting to inviolabilitéde eternal city (...) it was decided (...) the hopes of his ambition, and Now humbled in his pride (...) he put him against the sky and the elements (...) he never felt the impulses of moral grandeur which inflamed the heart of Stilicho (...) As barbarian, it was lower than that the Germans considered their hero "... In short, he had been wrong to Rome, after the Gauls and before the Vandals and Burgundians ...
The foedus 382 signed, many warriors are integrated into the army of Byzantium, then composed exclusively of barbarians. In 388, the usurper Maximus having seized Italy, Theodosius went to fight with federated Goths, Alans and Huns. Maxime defeated in August, the emperor took the opportunity to recover the Roman troops who served the usurper and then sent federated Visigoths, which amounted to cut them off in violation of foedus (fin388). Goths revolted, destroying once again the unfortunate Greece. This situation forced Theodosius to return to Italy to try to restore order. His army was surprised in the plain of Maritza River by Alaric tervinge ringleader, who made his first major there brilliant action (391). The emperor found his salvation in flight, just as he escaped Fredegern 380. Its general Promotus was killed at the end of the year by Bastarnae who joined Alaric, these Bastarnae the Goths had driven from Romania who had settled in the number of one hundred miles in Thrace / Moesia. Stilicho, general Vandal origin, was responsible for the fight against the Goths, they employed the strategy of "flight", avoiding the deadly clashes, this tactic of the peoples of the steppe did suggest collusion with the chief vandal , unusual among western, less Avar of life, she was said to Gregory of Tours in the sixth century that "Goths fled after their habit."
A truce came a moment Theodosius pretended to deal with the Visigoths (episode Erwulf). He reorganized the army and it was his intention to get rid of bulky barbarians. Not succeeding in removing Alaric made cautious by the murder of Erwulf, he tried to deal with it when a new usurper, Eugene, declared in Trier. Theodosius concludes an agreement with the speed Tervinges and hired twenty thousand he placed under the command of a Goth in his boot Gainas, the Roman army under the command of a Roman Timasius, assisted by Stilicho. When he met the troops of Eugene, the transition from the Cold River, the emperor sent Gainas Federated Alaric front line. Ten thousand Goths were slain. "The have been lost anyway gain, and defeat a victory" (Zosimus). The next day the Roman army intact, was victorious (6 Sept. 394).
Theodosius proclaimed his son Honorius Emperor of the West, with Stilicho for regent in the East he sat on the throne another son Arcadius with the praetorian prefect Rufinus.
"After the emperor, friend of the Goths, had departed this life, his son living in luxury, began to destroy the empire, denying Goths donations accustomed. Then the disgust of the Goths for the sovereign was at its height, and fearing that peace weakens their courage, they gave to King Alaric "(Jordanes). Alaric was the royal clan Balthe, perhaps the son of Alavivus. He was born in 370.
Taking advantage of the absence of the army remained in Italy after the victory over Eugene bands of Huns invaded Thrace, where were stationed the Tervinges. The removal of "gifts" and the invasion forced Alaric to lay siege to Constantinople, to get as what he considered a must establish a new territory where his warriors. He engaged in talks with Rufin: we assume that an agreement was reached. Alaric lifted the siege of the capital and led his troops in Thessaly. This is where Stilicho came the attack. The Vandals, who nevertheless had the armies of the East and West, could not dislodge the barbarians, as the praetorian prefect insisted that he went to his Arcadius quotas forcing Stilicho to evacuate Greece, and treated with Alaric. It is claimed that the chief, to avenge him killed Rufin, with the complicity of Gainas. Arcadius and his new minister Eutropius refused to ratify the agreement Rufin. Alaric then crossed Thermopylae end 395, destroying Greece, as it had never done was say contemporary. "They plundered what remained in the plains, they slaughtered men old enough to bear arms and took them as booty herds of women and children" (ZosimeV 5.6).
Stilicho intervened again, landing his forces by sea in the Gulf of Corinth. He managed to encircle Alaric who refused the fight, but the lack of live forced to attack to clear the Goths and spun to Epirus. Vandal resigned to pursue, which made him suspect in collusion with the enemy. The two capitals, Milan and Constantinople, mutually accused of treason! Selfish interests, short-sighted, so stupidity, led the break for the greatest benefit of the Visigoths. In early autumn 397, Constantinople signed a foedus with Alaric the Tervinges of his clan could settle in Macedonia and Epirus, and their king was appointed military governor of Illyria.
In 399, the Goths in Asia Minor (Phrygia), established colony long, rebelled under the command of Tribigild. Gainas charged with restoring order, takes the side of the rebels, and at their head, took Constantinople. The disagreement between leaders and a popular revolt managed to chase the occupants. Then defeated by tervinge Fravitta, Gainas fled across the Danube which was captured by the Huns he was executed (fin400) and his head sent to Arcadius. These events déclanchèrent germanophobe a violent reaction in the East. Fravitta himself was killed. The alliance with the Romans Huns replaced the Germans federated in the imperial army, had feared the worst Alaric decided to go in the Western Empire. With his brother Athawulf (or Atawulf = Athaulf), he led his tribe of Macedonia and Epirus to Pannonias, which allowed Athwulf to impose Ostrogoths and Visigoths settled there for a generation. On site he recruited a contingent of the famous cavalry greutunge and invaded Italy. He grabbed Aquileia and some other city (Autumn-Winter 401). He besieged Milan, but Stilicho intervened and Tervinges "fled." Reinforcements arrived in Gaul, the Goths retreated in Tuscany, they camped around Pollentia. Easter Day 401, April 6, a Roman troops commanded by Saul, surprised. The Goths who suffered heavy losses and fled. "Saul by his wickedness, forced the army fight the holy day of Easter, when the enemy withdrew by religious scruples. The judgment of God showed in a short time that wanted his revenge vainquîmes to fight us, we were winners defeated "(Orosius, Histories, VII, 37.2).
. Indeed, Alaric was suddenly about-face with the cavalry and in a lightning attack he crushed the Romans and killed Saul. Stilicho rushed; Visigoths retreated to the southern mountains. For fear of cavalry Greutunge, Generalissimo entered into negotiations after which Alaric withdrew, but short to live it stopped in Verona. There Stilicho who had intrigued with the Ostrogoths, attacked treacherously. The cavalry, under the command of Sarus, deserted and went into the enemy camp. Alaric managed, with his last four faithful to regain Pannonias. But Stilicho and Sarus had returned there Ostrogoths, disgruntled Athawulf, plunging the country into civil war. Alaric does not dragged there, renewing his troops he returned to Illyria.
The Western Empire had claims on the province. The opportunity seemed favorable Stilicho decided to treat him with Alaric. Honorius appointed goth king "magister militum per Illyricum" (405). Among the Roman hostages sent to Alaric as guaranteed respect the treaty included Aetius. "While Alaric was ready to obey the command, Radagaisus, after collecting about four hundred thousand men, women and children among the Germanic and Celtic peoples established beyond the Danube and the Rhine, had started to into Italy "(Zosimus, V, 26.3).
"Radagaisus by far the fiercest enemies, flooded Italy with a sudden onslaught: indeed it is said that there were people in his more than two hundred thousand Goths" (Orosius, VII, 37). In addition to the Goths there were Alans, Suevi and Vandals, who were left behind.
In August 406, in Fiesole, the thirty thousand soldiers Stilicho, reinforced by the Federated Ostrogoths Pannonia with Sarus, and a large contingent of Huns, with their king Huldin, surrounded the invaders, who, entangled their families, were crushed . Twelve thousand of them, representing the aristocracy, were incorporated into the Roman army. Others (the people) were treated as slaves, "there was, say, a great many goths prisoners herds of men were sold indiscriminately for one gold coin each, how the cattle more cheaply ... "(Orosius). Vandals, Suevi and Alans had turned around. Making their way to Germany, they crossed the Rhine the following year.
Alaric had not intervened, nor hostile to the Pannonian Ostrogoths Sarus was Saul's clan.
In 407, taking the execution of his plan, Ravenna decided to annex Illyria. Stilicho Alaric would join when a courier came to announce a usurper, Constantine was proclaimed emperor in Gaul.
Honorius sent Sarus fight the usurper. But this intervention had the effect of consolidating the power of the latter. The emperor then dropped the Goths, who no longer receiving their subsidies, occupied in retaliation, Noricum (north of Venice). There Alaric sent an embassy to demand compliance. The senate, consulted, refused, preferring to risk a war. Only Stilicho was of a contrary opinion, he managed to convince the senators who finally agreed to pay four thousand pounds of gold. With that, before the tribute is paid, the Eastern Emperor, Arcadius died. Olympius and Sarus in alliance with anti-Germans were able to cause a revolt in the army. Stilicho was murdered in a church where he had taken refuge, and his followers massacred (August 408). Those who escaped the massacre joined Alaric. It still tried to negotiate with Honorius, who rejected all proposals made to him.
King Balthe then invaded Italy.
Without waiting for the arrival of his brother Athawulf in Pannonia to the Nation, "Alaric passes forward to Aquileia and other cities beyond the river Eridanus, and having crossed the river as a festive procession, as it n 'there was no one to oppose it, he came to an entrenched camp of Bologna "... (Zosimus). Then, after a few detours, the Visigoths laid siege to Rome, blocking the city from all sides to prevent the supply (end of 408).
No help from the emperor holed up in Ravenna, famine came to wreak havoc and plague appeared. The besieged sent an embassy to the besiegers.
"Alaric heard their speech, including the people in number, took up arms and was ready to fight, he said, when the thick grass is easier to cut when it is sparse, and With these words he laughed in the face of ambassadors when they came to talk of peace, he used words that exceeded the worst barbaric humbug "(Zosimus). Alaric demanded to lift the siege all the gold contained the city, money, chattels and barbarian slaves. At an ambassador who asked him what would remain if the Romans took it all, the king replied, "their souls." Eventually agreement was reached on the basis of delivery of five thousand pounds of gold, thirty thousand silver four thousand silk clothing (dresses?), Three miles tinted red skins (the clergy), and three thousand book ... pepper! Goths raised the siege and went to "pitch their tents in the vicinity of Etruria." (February 409). Shortly before Athawulf had joined his brother in the walls of Rome.
A Ravenna Olympius, the inspirer of the germanophobe policy was removed from power and replaced, the prefecture of the courtroom by Jovius. Negotiations resumed with Alaric whose purpose was, as always, to get a "homeland" for his people, preferably away from the Huns, and a command for himself. This second claim was not, as we Rabache, the expression of a purely personal ambition, it was always related to the first, that is to say, she gave the king Goth powers and means pressure to protect the autonomy and interests (subsidies) of the nation. Otherwise, betraying his own, he was able to make a career, starting as a Fravitta to achieve the status of a Stilicho. More than two-he had the ability.
The conditions seemed right to conclude a foedus and the two men knew each other pretty well, Jovius having been sent to the Balthe when he was Epirus. They reportedly reached an agreement in Rimini, without the intransigence of Honorius who had come to terms with Constantine. Fear, then, of being accused of collusion with the Visigoths, Jovius turned his jacket, according to Zosimus, asked the emperor to never make peace with Alaric, making himself the oath! The Tervinges resumed once more the path that leads to the walls of the eternal city, while tempting, tirelessly, to bend Honorius. They even obtained the arbitration of the bishops. Alaric had minimized his demands: he was claiming that Noric as establishment and an annual delivery of wheat which would amount to the discretion of the Romans. "Alaric has made these proposals full of wisdom, and although all rejoiced such moderation Jovius and those who exercised power, declared the applications inadmissible, since all had sworn not to make peace with Alaric" (Zosimus).
This time, however, the Balthe did not require any command for him then exceeded, with the consent of the inhabitants of Rome, he proclaimed "emperor" the prefect of the city, Attalus, the baptized in the Arian cult by a bishop Visigoth, and appointed him general (end 409). The lack of flexibility and mistakes Attalus, his failure in its attempt to control African granary, the arrival of reinforcements from the East in Ravenna, intrigues Jovius, pushed Alaric dethrone Attalus and to "reconcile "with the legitimate emperor. Later Orosius say Attalus, "in fact the emperor, counterfeit, and defeated again, all this has been accomplished faster than said Alaric laughed and looked mime comedy of imperial power" (VII 42.7).
Alaric was he abused? He met the emperor, or the discussions they had held by ambassadors interposed? The sources do not give the same story. Here are three.
"Alaric seized the Alps and entered into negotiations with the emperor. But a Sarus (a Gothic clan installed in Pannonia), attacked the army of Alaric with three hundred men and killed some barbarians "(version Sozomen)
"Alaric had started to Ravenna, to make peace with Honorius. Sarus was then in Picenum; Athawulf "ill-disposed" towards him, following an earlier different, advanced with his army to the area where Sarus was, one, with only three hundred men with him, refused the fight and hurried from Honorius to make his service to fight the Visigoths. "(Version Zosimus).
"Alaric advanced to Ravenna to fight Honorius, but Sarus who served as general of Honorius, as the successor of Stilicho, Alaric fought, and having the upper hand in the battle, he
drove Ravenna "(version Philostorgius).
Convinced that he could get anything from offspring of Theodosius, the Goth king returned to besiege Rome. Complicity within the city allowed him to seize. There is also several versions: complicity of a noble who wanted to do away with these seats repeatedly (Galla Placidia?) Or trick the king who succeeded in introducing into the city disguised as slaves of the Goths. The pillage lasted three days, 24, 25 and 26 August 410. The Visigoths did discipline and moderation. Unfortunately there were overflows due to uncontrolled elements, slaves and auxiliaries of various ethnicities who followed Tervinges. Athawulf, said to have captured the sister of the Emperor, Gallia Placidia. As he later married and she remained very attached to his whole life Visigoths, the meeting did not have to be brutal and gives some plausibility to the complicity of the princess.
Much has been written on the sack of Rome. Today we grabbed the wrong vital to the Gothic nation of the issue of bargaining several years that preceded this August 24.
Alaric never placed his ambition above the interests of his people. Contrary to what it says A. Thierry, he was not bitter and still less handled by "grudges" (?). The fall of Rome was not an act of revenge, but a penalty coldly calculated, and made inevitable by the more irresponsible courageous Roman rigidity.
The sack of Rome was less noise at the time than it did later. When it was announced in Rome that Honorius was "devastated" he thought it was his cock called "Rome." The mix-up he gave a sigh of relief. For Sozomen "the miseries of the siege was a result of the wrath of heaven and punishment he wanted to punish the Romans for their debauchery and the injustices they had exercised against their as close as against foreigners."
Augustine joined Sozomen, noting that drove the Goths in Roman churches to escape the vengeance of slaves and other rogue elements "among the nations that have made war, which spared the defeated refugees in their homes gods? The Romans themselves, when to sit off their domination, they stormed and sacked so many flourishing cities ... we are told what temples safeguarded so that they might be saved those who have sought asylum there? "St. Jerome, which compares Rome at the" bright torch of the world, "wrote:" Who would have believed that this city, built with victories over the world, would collapse to the point of becoming the tomb of the people she was the mother? ". In the 19th century, Ampere (son) wrote: "But I remember that this degenerate city had allowed tyranny and meanness tolerated. Then I bend the head and ranking me aside, I say let go the righteousness of God "(Roman History).
Leaving Rome, the Tervinges took the southern route, carts weighed gold, precious object, and hostages, including Galla and Attalus. To feed the Visigoths sacked Campania, Calabria and swooped to where Alaric, at the instigation of Attalus, wanted to organize an expedition to seize the wheat Africa - where to settle? - A storm destroyed the ship he had requisitioned (end of September 410). The season does not lend itself to the renewal of this kind of shipping, the army went up to tervinge Campania to overwinter.
That's when Alaric, exhausted, died. "The Goths, who particularly liked the lamentation. Near the town of Cosenza, they diverted the course of Barentium river amid bed they made their fortunes by digging a pit where they bury their king with great wealth. After making the waters to their natural course, they killed all those who had served as gravediggers, so no one will ever know where they had deposited the remains of their leader (Jordanes).
Naturally Athawulf was elected king. Athawulf is today called "Athaulf." Its name means "wolf cruel" (AHTA-Ulph), or "father of wolves" (atta-Ulph).
Athawulf wintered to plunder the Adriatic provinces without any resistance, "shaving in the manner of a pest all that was left standing" (Jordanes).
"Honorius saw that nothing could be done against the Barbarians" (Orosius), sent his army to fight the usurper Constantine. The command of armies was given to Constance, "then as a Roman leader" says Orosius (VII 42.1). Advantage of the departure of the army, the Visigoth king - who could benefit from the situation so bellicose - tried to start peace talks with the emperor (été411). We do not know the details of these contacts. But then Athawulf married Galla Placidia. "However, showing respect him because of his noble birth (sic), her beauty and her chastity intact, it is tied by marriage to Forum Livii city of Emilia, so that 'at the news of this alliance foreign nations were more easily affected by terror, as if the Goths and the Republic gathered in one body "(Jordanes). Then he went to Gaul, after retrieving number of warriors in Pannonia. He had, it seems, the intension of the usurper Jovinus rally that sought to win with the help of the Burgundians. The prestige of Galla assured him some friendships: the prefect of Gaul advised him of the arrival of Sarus, intimate enemy, with his mercenaries. King ambushed the Ostrogoth, who had previous service Jovinus, captured him and made him suffer the "punishment of the steppe", which will be discussed.
This incident, the firm that wanted to impose Athawulf Attalus as co-emperor, led to the break between the two men, the faster Honorius, terrorized by this alliance had maneuvered to prevent: his emissaries promised the allocation of land, whereby the Tervinge, became an ally of Constance, seized the city of Valencia and the other usurper Sebastian he did run. Then in the wake of Jovinus he fought the prefect of Gaul.
Despite the alarming rapidity with which these victories were achieved, Constance, under the sense of honor that has always characterized the Romans since the bastards wolf, demanded the "liberation" of Galla (he wanted to marry) in exchange the promised land and the supply of wheat. This treachery led Athawulf to invest Toulouse and Narbonne and loot the country. He was seriously injured by the seat of Marseille resistant (413). In January 414, the brother of Alaric re-wife Galla Placidia at Narbonne, but this time with the whole Roman pump. Galla was all gained in this man she had more or less handle, because the Visigoth king "had chosen to recreate a default Gothia, search and restore the glory of the Roman name of increasing the forces of the Goths. "(Orosius)
Then he invaded Aquitaine II to supply his army and proclaimed once again Attalus emperor, in Bordeaux. Constance then organized the blockade of the Mediterranean coast to prevent supplies. In a country not previously devastated by the Vandals, famine reappeared. In the autumn of 414, the Visigoths left Aquitaine, looting and burning a few cities on their way. "Our houses were ruined by fire, and the little we have left and abandoned desert dwelling. For ten years the Goths and Vandals make us a horrible butchery ... it's a storm that carries no distinction between good and bad, the innocent and the guilty ... "(Carmen de Divina Providencia, Migne, Patrologia Latina, T51) .
It was in Spain that the king led his warriors and he moved to Barcelona. In August 415, "Athawulf was treacherously killed by his own people" (Orosius). In fact, "he died three years after having conquered Gaul and Spains pierced the side of a sword by Vernulf, he used to laugh because of its small size" (Jordanes). But Vernulf was the Sarus clan! The latter's brother was elected king by Tervinges and Greutunges of Pannonias who had not participated in the Italian epic, supported by the aristocratic current majority hostile to any rapprochement with the Romans. Sigishard could remain a week, enough time to kill the Athawulf children, he had a first marriage. (The child he had died early Galla 415). Sigishard was to turn and run once a Visigoth king was elected and tried to drive the Goths in Africa, taking the Alaric project. He suffered the same failure: the storm destroyed his fleet. He decided to return to Narbonne, but Constance was waiting at the foot of the Pyrenees. "Wallia concluded with the Emperor Honorius excellent peace" (Orosius). He actually treated with Constance, delivering him loose Galla (unless she agreed, which is most likely). The chief, of course, once married, with the consent of the emperor. It also gave the unfortunate Attalus, and in exchange for delivery of wheat "Wallia offered himself to danger for the safety of Rome" (Orosius), that is to say, he went fighting the Vandals in Spain, massacred many, captured Fredbald, king of the Vandals Siling, massacred more Alans with their king ADAC. The survivors joined the Vandals Hasding with whom they formed one people.
We will briefly review these allocations wheat Wallia, powers that have bothered some historians as a result of an interpretation of Michel Rouche in his admirable history of Aquitaine (Aquitaine Visigoths Arabs). Olympiodorus says that the Goths received "600,000 ... wheat (printemps416) that complete by Rouche" measure "or" hogsheads ", which would make 3675 tons. That must allow them to make ends meet, they attacked the Vandals at the time of the harvest, south of Spain. And vandal Pyrenees area, they provisioned the way the tradition. So these historians have focused on the amount of wheat to estimate the number of Visigoths, pretending to ignore the majority of them will were in Pannonia. Thus, according to them, based on the daily rations of the Roman army, the 3675 tons could feed 10,000 people for one year. In short, let the pseudo reasoning to arrive at their conclusion that 10,000 warriors is multiplied by five to account for women, children and veterans ("old" in French).
Kazanski more reasonable (the Goths, ed. Wandering) estimates of the Goths in Gaul EN 100 000. Eunapius, he has 200,000 warriors who invaded Greece, which is, by applying the rule of five, a million Visigoths, Ostrogoths and ethnicities combined. Many other authors based on the number of warriors, 18,000 who participated in the Battle of Adrianople (378) to assess their number in Gaul in 412, as if nothing had happened between these two dates , including the Battle of Cold River (394), where ten thousand men died ... and raids of Alaric to the fall of Rome (410) after losing nearly all his 401 warriors in the fight against Stilicho; and yet in 418 "there were 20,000 warriors." This is because, obviously, the Goths people (Ostro and Wisi) was installed in Pannonias where peasant-warriors worked the land ... and mobilized, in part, on demand. We will see that the waves of their arrival in Spain are confirmed by archeology.
Gaul is a territory that has no geographical unit that you want to assign. Relief, topography, climate, are very different between the north and south. The relief of the south opposite the northern plains, favored a relatively stable population, or, in any case, has prevented their total conquest invasions have been limited (apart from the Roman) to establishment where have penetrated the Mediterranean influences. The Celts themselves have dominated the South and militarily (Celtibères in Aquitaine, Celto-Ligurian en Provence) and are therefore not heavily populated as they did in the north. The Romans founded, or rather recast Narbonne -118 on the location of the Iberian NARBA.
The Greeks in the sixth century BC, founded Marseilles, settled on the coast of Cape Noa, south of Valencia in Spain (Hemeroskopion) to Nikaia (Nice). When came the Goths settlement has not changed and the Evaric empire were occupied by three million people (estimate Stroheker, taken by E. Demougeot).
In 418 Constantius recalled the Goths in Gaul. Did he, avoid the Visigoths settled in Spain in alliance with the Swabians who were well established northwest? (Wallia had married a noble Swabian). Or did he use Tervinges fight against peasant revolts called "the Bagaudes"? All these reasons were valid, it must be added the influence of Galla Placidia. The Treaty of 416 was modified: the Goths were permitted to settle in Aquitaine. They restored order in the province depopulated they looted, fighting bagaudae and Armoricans. At the end of 418 Wallia died after three years of a reign that saw the culmination of forty-two years of struggles that were carried out successively by Fredegern, Alaric and Athawulf. Theodoric I, grand-son of Alaric the Great, succeeded by Wallia election.
Where was the western empire? Honorius association to the throne Constance, the second husband of Galla. The both décédèrent two years apart (421, 423). A thief took power in Ravenna. The Eastern emperor, Theodosius II, managed to defeat, he placed on the throne the son of Constance had Galla, and it acted as regent on behalf of Valentinian III. Aetius, the hostage service (he was hostage to Alaric and Attila) entered the service of the Regent. Chief, he was in all the battles against the barbarians, using widely mercenaries Huns he provided his "friend" Attila. Taking advantage of the internal strife that followed the death of Honorius, Theodoric tried to seize the city of Arles. He was driven by Aetius (425). He did it again in 427, then 430, each time repulsed. As well as to the city it was for him to keep the fighting spirit of his warriors. These attacks also served as a decoy to hide the relative weakness of its workforce: Due to the division of land a large number of fighters was missing. The Visigoths under agreement 418, had established Bordeaux to Toulouse and Poitiers in the Pyrenees which applied the tripartite properties: 1/3 to the Goths, 2/3 to the natives. Quickly, population pressure and Pannonian migrants inversèrent sharing: two-thirds were assigned to the invaders.
Theodoric tried to mingle with the struggles of the Suevi against the Galicians. Having made peace with them, the Swabian king Hermanaric Romans tried to get the status of federated which would have protected the Goths. Galla theirs refused. Shortly after, threatened by Aetius and his Huns she appealed to Tervinges. This led to the reconciliation between the Regent and the general who was named Patrice.
In 435, the Bagaudes Brittany revolted again, the Burgundians invaded Belgium, the Franks extended their territory on the left bank of the Rhine. Aetius knew where "giving head"; Theodoric took the opportunity to invade the Narbonne and besieged the capital. General Litorius was sent forefront and soon joined by Aetius they drove back the Goths. Litorius ascended to the Loire where he fought victoriously Bagaudes (437). This success encouraged him, on his own authority, to attack the Visigoths besieged it in Toulouse (438 end). Theodoric sent him bishops embassy to seek his removal. In vain. In early 439, Litorius unleashed his Huns. The response of King Balthe playing survival of the nation, was implacable: the Huns were massacred to the last and Litorius captured, was executed. Aetius, who could not rectify the situation, made peace and renewed the treaty of 418. This did not prevent Theodoric of its own policy. When the Romans fought the Swabians, he married one of his daughters to their king. In the case of Swabians often took the floor against the Empire, supporting one when it could weaken the other.
Honoria, sister of Valentinian III, had supported the usurper Eugene. The latter put to death, Honoria appealed to Attila who hastened to ask for her hand. The Emperor of the East, just before dying, advised his counterpart in the West to accept. Attila reiterating its demands (sending tribute by Marcian, the successor of Theodosius, and sending his sister by Valentinian), saw himself against an end of inadmissibility. The Hun king decided to invade the Empire. To prepare for this war diplomatically, Attila "sent ambassadors to Italy, trying to sow discord between Goths and Romans he wanted to hire a struggle against Theodoric and the Emperor was anxious not interfered issue. He sent a similar request to the Visigoth king, urging him to break his alliance with the Romans "(Jordanes).
Transmitted it to the Romans Tervinges demand Attila, thwarting the coarse maneuver.
Coming from Pannonias, where they had vassals Goths, Huns invaded Gaul. April 7, 451, they seized Metz, "burn the city, passing the population over the same sword and slay the priests before the altar sacrosanct" (G. de Tours). In twenty or thirty thousand warriors Huns had joined the Ostrogoths Valamir with their kings, and Theodemir Vidomir the Gepids with Ardaric, the Skires, the Ruges, the Burgundians, the Bructeri, Franks, Thuringians and Bastarnae parents of those who had helped Alaric. A barbarian coalition.
After ravaged other cities, Attila "attack Orleans and tries to seize it hammer" (G. de Tours). Sangiban, king of the Alans (who established a kingdom in Orleans), "terrified, Attila promises to deliver him and getting in his power Orleans, a city of Gaul where he stood" (Jordanes). Arrive Aetius, Theodoric and his son Thorismund that learning this treason, placed the Alans among their auxiliaries, that is to say the Franks, Sarmatians, the Armorican, Burgundians, Saxons and other ... So both sides found the Goths, Franks and Burgundians.
Attila then raised the siege of Orleans "and went to Mauritius Campus" (G.de T.). "After asking the future to soothsayers, Attila joined battle about the ninth hour of the day, in the Catalonian Fields" June 20 451. Both belligerents sought first to seize a strategic hill. "The Huns and their vassals, occupied the right side, the Romans and Visigoths, with their assistants, the left side." (This story is taken from Jordanes although historians have questioned his relationship). First we have the impression that the battle would take place in an orderly fashion, the Roman, among the patrician Aetius and his "friend" Attila. In the Gallic camp Theodoric stood right wing Aetius to the left, leaving the center Alans to remove any hint of their flight. Then Thorismund Aetius and by a rapid movement reached the summit before they overthrew the Huns by surprise. The enemy seemed troubled by this failure because the Hun king felt obliged to give them a discourse of it we can say that the Romans, from the point of view of the king "light weapons" (this was the case Visigoths, unlike the Ostrogoths) "and he fought in the Battle of the legions of Caesar, forming a roof of shields against arrows"; tactic seemed effective as Attila ordered him to attack the Alans, the weak point defense. He hoped that the panic warriors Sangiban, undisciplined and even less motivated, added to a breach in the ranks tervinges, disorganize the scholar Aetius device, which would allow his cavalry to its full potential. It appears that his plan and that of the Roman, were jostled by the fury of the German belligerents on both sides. "The mixed agrees; terrible battle, multiple, terrible, opinionated, as known in antiquity did not like it, he is reported to be performed prodigies of value, so that the private man this wonderful show has been in his life, see anything more beautiful. "
Bertrand de Born, troubadour vassal of Richard the Lion Heart, described in similar terms a battle!
Theodoric, who roamed the battlefield to guide his men fell from his horse and "was trampled by his ... more sure he was killed by a javelin by Andagis, the nation of the Ostrogoths" . On the night Thorismund wandered into the camp of Huns carts and he was wounded in the head and fell from his horse too, but his warriors, rampaging, arrived in time to save him. The breaks loose should be the same as extreme adventure came to Aetius: down from the heights of the hill to try to collect the Goths, he was separated from his family "and wanders among the enemies." He could join his legions and spent the rest of the night to defend himself behind the wall of shields. Remained united Romans probably prevented too much dispersion of combatants, which had benefited Attila. At the end of the night, the Huns and their vassals, unable to resist the fury wisigothane, entrenched themselves behind their wagons made inviolable by the archers.
"But this is that with the patrician Aetius Thorismund got the victory and destroyed the enemy" (Gregory of Tours). In reality Aetius, who was not his Huns mercenaries, had a rather static role with his soldiers. He retained control of the hill and tried to restore discipline among other fighters. Then he was overwhelmed by the battle "Asian" which opposed a greater number of people from the steppes.
The Visigoths, who regained the body of Theodoric "under a pile of corpses, sang in his honor funeral hymns, and took off in the eyes of enemies. We saw many of the Goths, sounding air their songs, make, amid the fury of the war, the last duties to their king "... (Jordanes). On the battlefield Thorismund was elected king. He wanted to avenge his father, but Aetius, considering defeated Attila as rightly as it was preparing to commit suicide by fire, and fearing according to Jordanes, that "once completely destroyed Huns, Goths do pressassent empire Roman, "persuaded him to go to Toulouse to consolidate his power against his brothers." "This is a similar ploy he did scamper king of the Franks" (Gregory of Tours). "The losses on both sides is estimated at one hundred sixty-two thousand deaths, besides ninety miles Gepids and Franks who, in a late night meeting before the general action, fell under their mutual blows. The Franks fought for the Romans, Huns, Gepids for "(Jordanes). Removing zero everywhere, we must fall on the likely numbers, consistent with the Huns numbers given above.
The Visigoths parties, Attila withdrew unmolested. The patrician attitude may seem surprising, it corresponded to a cynical logic should be retained as a counterweight to the power of the Goths, and resource mercenaries.
But the king of the Huns could not stay on a defeat that undermined his prestige and authority, particularly in the eyes of his powerful vassals Ostrogoths .. The following year he invaded Italy by surprise. All major cities in the north of the Po were taken. The plague appeared and knocked democratically all belligerents. Valentinian III was able to negotiate the departure of the Asian plague, which nevertheless maintained his claims, while retreating to his Hungarian plain. The Eastern and Western emperors pressing not to give in to his demands, he prepared a new expedition when he had the good sense to die "in the arms Ildico" whom he had married. The state in which he had left Italy caused a serious crisis: Aetius paid with his life for his miscalculation of Catalonian Fields and his family were murdered on September 21 454. Valentinian himself was executed in March 455 by two former guards of Aetius body. Petronius Maximus succeeded him.
In Gaul, the Alans fought Thorismund Sangiban of the Huns had come to support the traditional ballad and then went to Arles which says Sidonius Apollinaris, he was removed after a banquet hosted by Arles, "what would able to Aetius a battle. " Returning to Toulouse Thorismund was killed by his brothers who placed one of them on the throne. "However, taking a stool in her hand was free, he avenged his blood by knocking some of his murderers (Jord).
Petronius Maximus, who had married the widow of Valentinian, married his son to the daughter of his predecessor, Eudoxia, who had been promised to the heir of Genseric Huneric. Unable to win despite these alliances, Petrone named General Auvergne Avitus to fight against the incursions of the Germans Rhineland, and deal with the Visigoths who were hostile. Taking advantage of some confusion, Genseric, may be called by the Empress landed at Ostia. The terror was caused as the Emperor was killed by a soldier while trying to escape. Pope Leo managed to get the Vandal king that his men burn Rome nor massacred the population. Genseric demanded in part against the right to plunder the city for two weeks (June 455). We did not make this bag - rather, raking - as much noise as that of Alaric, which lasted only three days. Yet this complete looting of the city by the Vandals was the coup de grace to the Eternal City. The barbarians took over the ship overloaded with loot sea, the Empress and her two daughters hostage.
Theodoric II, who succeeded his brother Thorismund, was proclaimed emperor Avitus Gallo-Romans, stepfather and friend of Sidonius Apollinaris Theodoric first who had the child tutor Theodoric II. Sidoine left a flattering portrait of Theodoric we do not know whether it corresponds to reality, or if it is a panegyric courtier eager to protect its interests (he owned several properties, one of five thousand acres that came from his wife). Sidoine was a Gallo-Roman Auvergne.
Other evidence then take a turn different from those at the beginning of the century: "... in the municipalities there are so many tyrants as curiales ... the magistrate as beasts devour those who come to them ... in which people other than the Romans, we see such evils? Similar injustices that exist among us. Franks ignore these crimes Huns have no such wickedness, nothing like in the Vandals and Goths. Among the Visigoths, these processes are so completely unknown that not only these barbarians but the Romans who live among them do not have to suffer ... "The full text listing the abuses of government and dissolute Roman , brings to mind the judgment Juvenal on his countrymen "civilizing" "this degenerate peat children Remus."
For the "Account" Avitus left Theodoric fight Swabians whose king "relying on the ties that bound him to Theodoric, thought he could take over the entire Spain" (Jord.). The Gothic king sent ambassadors to engage Suève more moderation. The latter has responded with insults and threats, "Theodoric made peace with other nations and turned his arms against the Swabians. He Gundiac for auxiliary and Hilpéric, kings of the Burgundians, who were devoted to him "(Jordanès. The Burgundians were kings of the family Balthes). Of course the Goths were victorious and Réchiarus killed. These Swabians, who preferred to stay in the current Portugal, rather than following the Vandals in Africa (actually Genséric did not want, he was unceremoniously expelled from the Betic) were all more than twenty thousand. When Wallia defeated and massacred some of the Vandals, many more, he spared, oddly, the Swabians. Maybe they were useful to the Goths to do the "dirty work", indeed, cruel and wild, they mataient indigenous peoples. When the Visigoths lost Aquitaine, they undertook to submit and finally assimilate this tribe.
The Goth Aginwulf named king of the Suevi Theodoric, "yielding to the insinuations of the Suevi, was soon driven to prevarications, neglected to execute the orders he had received, giving way to the insolence of a tyrant ... Theodoric troops sent against him ... who fought at the first meeting "(Jord). Galician priests obtained the King "with impunity Swabians, but, moved with pity, he allowed them to give a king of their nation. This was done and they gave Remismond for sovereign "(Jordanes).
Meanwhile Avitus, with its Gothic quotas are imposed in Rome. Before the end of the year 455, he went to Pannonia where he brought mercenaries Germanic conquerors of the Huns (victory Nedao) and Tervinges who joined the kingdom of Toulouse. Archaeology confirms installation, particularly in central and northern Spain (the Meseta, see below).
Part of mercenaries was placed under the command of Ricimer son of a Swabian and a daughter Wallia. Despite some successes in the Vandals, disgruntled senators Ricimer incited to rebel against Avitus. The latter appealed to Theodoric the Goth but busy chasing Réchiarus Galicia, could not help at that time Avitus was deposed (oct.456).
The Eastern Emperor Marcian, also imposed in the West, with the consent of the senate. At his death he was succeeded by Leo I, who appointed generalissimo Majorien, which was proclaimed emperor by his troops. This brought back Theodoric in Gaul, where he worked to organize the revolt of Gallo-Roman with the complicity of the Burgundians. The Suevi is once again revolted, the king had to intervene. Burgundian allies, left to themselves, were defeated by Egidius, a Lyon. Swabians and beaten again, Theodoric took advantage of his presence in Spain to occupy a large part of the Betic and returned to Gaul Egidius barricaded himself in Arles. Majorien sent his mercenaries, he had to fight together against the Vandals, Burgundians and back, prompting the Visigoth king has become "federated", especially as Majorien preparing a major attack against Genseric, which was not to displease the Visigoths in Spain, he equipped an army, with the Goths, in secret, to land in Africa. But Genséric the Great, informed by his spies, reacts with his characteristic promptness and came to destroy the fleet on site (460).
The Swabians took advantage ... to revolt! But this time, against all odds, they defeated the Gotho-Roman Sunéric. Back in Italy Majorian was assassinated by Ricimer who placed on the throne Libius Severus (461).
Having to fight against the Vandals and Alans in the south to the north, Ricimer not intervened in Gaul, leaving the Visigoths to pursue their own profit the war in Spain.
In 462, Narbonne, delivered by Agrippinus order of Ricimer, had been occupied by a brother of Theodoric, Frederick. The city will Gothic to the early thirteenth century. Frederick was killed in battle near Orleans Egidius and his mercenaries Franks (463). "Then the Franks (who had driven Chilperic) chose to be king Egidius of the militia" (Gregory of Tours). It is therefore ally Ricimer that Theodoric was assassinated Egidius had been wrong to call Genséric.
In 466, King Balthe accused of being too favorable to the Romans, was killed by his brother Evaric (liabilisée the form "Euric" is generally used, wrongly Gothic form is "evaric". Reiks the wild boar). "Evaric, king of the Visigoths, Romans saw the change so often emperor strove to submit to his rule Gaul" (Jordanes). Evaric showed even more than its predecessors, a great king, with many warriors, fundamentally nationalist, he wanted to give a viable empire to his people and when he considered that he reached his goal, he stopped.
In 467, "the Emperor Leo, who succeeded Marcian on the throne of the East, creating a patrician Anthemius, the king gave to Rome" (Jord.). The new emperor, who the Goths were the greatest danger, strove to draw them against their neighbors: the Britons, Franks and Burgundians. Evaric, who gave another beating the Swabians, reminded his troops in Gaul and defeated the Britons King Riothamus (some historians equates to King Arthur), who had invaded Aquitaine.
Cracking a usurper in Gaul, helped by Ricimer, Anthémius recruited an army of barbarian mercenaries he sent against the Goths (471). Evaric rushed to the front of the army, across the Rhone, and crushed. The son of the emperor and most of the officers who accompanied him were killed. This defeat prompted Ricimer to rebel. Leo I, who supported Ricimer, deposed and replaced by Anthemius Olybrius. He then refused to bow, away from the walls of Rome, Ricimer appealed to the Burgundians of Gundobald. The deposed emperor appealed to the Pannonian Ostrogoths (5th Gothia) King Vidomir assailants who attacked the Burgundians. Unfortunately Vidomir was killed and his son who bore the same name, treated with Ricimer. This defection and hunger overcame the Romans in July 472 the city was sacked by the Burgundians, who indulged in acts of violence that neither Alaric or Genseric were not allowed. Gundobald killed the emperor who tried to escape. That same year Ricimer Olybrius died and the king proclaimed Burgundian Glycera Emperor Leo I, meanwhile, appointed Julius Nepos!
Vidomir Greutunges and went to join the Visigoths, and settled in Aquitaine.
Evaric reigned eighteen years (466-484): War against the Swabians, 466-468, Remismond is defeated, victory over Britain (469) war against the Empire final decision Beziers, Nimes, from all Aquitaine First (470) landslide victory over the Romans (471). Conquest of Tarraconaise (taken from Pamplona, Zaragoza, Tarragona (471-473) 474. Expedition to Italy 475. Emperor Julius Nepos renounced meet this attack and recognized the independence to the Goths, and the demand for these, the Burgundians (June 475). 475-476 In the Balthe mata a revolt in Tarraconaise,
Then, in Gaul, took in Arles and Marseilles and massacred the Burgundians, who tried to intervene.
The last emperor of the West, a Romulus, filed Odoacer, new and unique barbarian master of Italy, left to Evaric, Provence (Narbonne II), and the Alpes Maritimes (476).
That year, the fact Balthe develop code Evaric, legitimizing the persecution against Catholics, among other provisions, requiring the allocation of two-thirds of the land invaders, confirming what I had been doing Theodoric, he forbade, Also, mixed marriages and spent the superiority of the Goths on the Romans.
"At that time Euric, king of the Goths, the Hispanic border crossing, loose in Gaul severe persecution against Christians" (G. de Tours). Which encouraged the resistance of Gallo-Roman that Nepos abandoned to their fate.
"Euric triumph and drag strips after they Arian poison" (Messrs. Gorce, France The above races, Payot 1934).
Evaric died in his bed in Arles in 484. He was brought to its climax the Visigoth kingdom. The foundation of the Ostrogothic kingdom of Italy (493) did believe for fourteen years Goths hegemony over Western Europe.
"But the invasion of Attila, soon followed by the collapse of the empire, and, later, the preference given by the church to wild Franc against the Burgundian and heretical Got, sank deeper the West in the chaos of the Middle Ages "(André Lefèvre, Germans and Slavs, Schleicher, Paris, 1903)
The Visigoths had to struggle against the Vandals, Suevi, Alans, Huns, Romans, Burgundians, Bretons ... Paradoxically forces were increasing, allowing the expansion policy Evaric. They did assign the third land and two-thirds. It was not resources, but rather to make requisitions; Sidoine Apollinaire has left a living testimony. Map of Gothic names, if not their frequency, at least in the magnitude of their distribution reflects the strength of colonization. For Mr. Rouche "any Visigoth toponymy necessarily residual compared to the actual implementation" (Aquitaine Visigoths Arabs, op.cit) this "residual" toponymy comes institutions more or less military beginnings ( some became "baurgs") then the distribution of land was broadcast throughout the installation of peasants more, settling in the Gallo-Roman villas, the Tervinges felt no need to change the name .
After the Catalonian fields there was a wave of immigration. The impact of the defeat of Attila Toulouse gave an aura of invincibility that has attracted a population also got rid of the Hunnic domination after the death of King Hun (453) and the victory of German vassals of their former masters' Nedao , 455), followed by victory, he was seen by a shipping Avitus fifth Gothia (Pannonias).
It is under Theodoric II from 455 Danubian that began to settle in Spain, in the regions of Segovia, Valladolid, Burgos, Soria ... Migration grew louder after the victorious campaigns Evaric. She continued by small groups until the end of the century or the beginning of the next.
Archaeology reveals the cultural differences between Visigoths the first time and those of Hungary. Aquitaine graves of the former does not differ from those of the natives, with a few exceptions where objects and jewelry culture Tcherniakov is found. (Tcherniakov: type of Gothic tombs of Romania-Ukraine Consult:.. M.Kazanski, "Goths" ed Wandering; Palol and Ripoll, "Goths" ed.le threshold; Gerbet MC, "Spain in the Middle Ages "ed.Collin). This is not the case in Spain, where the barbarian graves are numerous: they contain identical to those found in Central Europe objects dated middle and second half of the fifth century and the beginning of the sixth, the corresponding facilities immigrants under Theodoric and Evaric.
The Visigoths of Aquitaine left little archaeological evidence, Christianized and Romanized Gaul when they arrived, they were even more so. It will be recalled that one of Alaric requirements to lift the siege of Rome in 408, were the provision of four thousand silk clothing. Apart from language, strong oral traditions, Gothic material culture was very impaired. The attraction of Roman refinement should exercise as much influence on the aristocracy, and with a lag of the people, that the U.S. "culture" today, a Europe subjugated.
Apart from the contribution Pannonian there was substantial rallies. After the fall of Stilicho, more than ten thousand warriors entered the Ostrogoths of Alaric service. They were the survivors of the hordes of Radagaisus integrated into the Roman army. They had a family and they are thirty or forty thousand men, women and children who came to Gaul at one time or another. In 427, and his son Bermund Vidéric, Amal, joined Toulouse with their tribe, followed fifty years later by Vidomir and siens.Quelques clans Heruli, Warnes (Warno, Werno: their names merge in Cevennes " Verne ") and Saxons did the same. It should be added Sarmatian clan "Navarri" which may have given their name to Navarre (E. Philippon, "Iberians" Paris 1909).
All in all it is very nearly a million Goths and allies who settled in Aquitaine, Narbonne and Spain, the high birth amplified colonization. Do not forget the Swabians who thrived until the Arab conquest and were with the Goths, the origin of the kingdom of Asturias.
This fifth Gothia, corresponding approximately to the Roman Pannonias was the refuge that allowed the Goths of East and West to survive until the conquest of another country. The Athanaric Visigoths were the first to settle there, followed by the Ostrogoths. The agreement was not perfect between the two sister nations. We will make a brief look back and summarize very briefly the history of the Ostrogoths, obscuring the period or they were vassals of the Huns, a period that comes down to power struggles between reiks and kings, fueled by their "overlords ".
A Gébéric, the winner of the Vandals in 335, succeeded
The Amal Hermanaric which made the kingdom Greutunge an empire. (...) "He overcame a lot of very warlike peoples of the north, forcing them to obey its laws. It is with reason that some authors have compared to Alexander the Great "(Jordanes, VII). He had established his rule over the whole of southern Russia, organizing expeditions to the Urals and the Caucasus. The Estes are vassals of the Baltic and many tribes Slavs, who were already related to them, we saw it.
Antes only resisted him and preferred to migrate north. In the list of people "submitted" given by Jordanes, many could not be identified.
A man of the people who betrayed Rausomons Ermanaric the king "was transported with fury attach the woman traitor Sunilda, two wild horses, which are excited in the race, and the unfortunate was torn to pieces" (Jordanes VIII). The brothers of the unfortunate, and Sarus Ammius, for revenge, struck Ermanaric their daggers. The king could not hurt to organize resistance to the Huns. He died of his injuries, he says Jordanes, one hundred and ten years.
"The Huns took advantage of his death to subdue the Goths who lived, as it is said, on the eastern beach, and called Ostrogoths. (...) The people, separate the Visigoths after the death of the king, remained in those countries under the domination of the Huns, yet Winithaire the Amal retained the insignia of royalty ... "(Jord.). Bérismond him, "despising the nation of the Ostrogoths because she suffered the Hunnic domination, had retired in the western regions with the Visigoths."
In 453, Attila died when he would resume the war against the Empire. His son shared the vassal peoples by drawing lots. Taking advantage of divisions between the new leaders Huns, the Ostrogoth king Walamir and Ardaric king of the Gepids, revolted. Walamir obtained from Elac, the eldest of the heirs of Attila authority over Pannonias. Ardaric only given a vague command in Transylvania, became the head of a league of nations that refused the authority of the Ostrogoths: Swabians, Ruges, Heruli, Skires and Alans. Ake tried to join his allies Goths, but before he could do as he joined them and caught completely crashed near Nedao (455).
The Huns fled to the eastern plains and the Ostrogoths hastened to solicit the Eastern Emperor status Federated. Marcian agreed, confirming their establishment in South Hungary and awarded them more Croatia northeastern and northern Slovenia. In 456 the Huns attempted a comeback but the Walamir routed. In Byzantium the barbarian Aspar and his puppet Emperor Leo I ° having taken power, the Ostrogoths found themselves deprived of their subsidies. The messengers were sent to the court with contempt, but learned that these subsidies were paid to Theodoric Strabo, reiks Amal another clan Goth. At the same time Majorian, Emperor of the West, withdrew its troops from Dalmatia to fight against the Vandals. The Ostrogoths invaded the province and there ransacked the East. Aspar managed to beat them back and Walamir (459). However, the victory of the Vandals, which led to the fall of Majorian, prompted Byzantium deal with the Ostrogoths, and the latter to guarantee the treaty gave hostage Théodomir son of King Theodoric, who was to remain eight years in court. Assured peace, Ostrogoths who drove the Alani, to console, plundered Italy where Ricimer scattered. They then attacked a sedentary Hun tribe who called the Huns to their rescue. The kings (reiks) goths United inflicted a crushing defeat Denghizic (466).
We will pass on the events of the following years, filled with fury and fighting between Goths and other Germanic tribes and between Goths and Romans, to come to the hostage Theodoric. Sarmatians were seized Belgrade. Theodoric sent by Byzantium gathered six thousand men that enabled him to defeat and kill the king Sarmatian Babai, returning to Belgrade together in history. It was less than twenty years.
"And then as the wealth taken from one side to the other neighboring nations became less significant, the Goths began to run out of food and clothing; peace was dependent on these men who long war provided their livelihood. All Goths, from the king Théodomir, begged him to lead the army in the direction he wants. The prince called to his brother, and after consulting the spell, he urged him to take on Italy, where the emperor ruled Glycera, while himself attack the Eastern Empire, the most strong "(Jordanes). It was a failure and 474 (death Theodemir) 488 both clans Ostrogoths, Theodoric the son of Theodemir, and of Theodoric Strabo, tore, fighting or supporting the emperor for the sole purpose of obtaining subsidies. That's when these two clans were allies Strabo died of a fall from his horse. Naturally the two tribes merged. Theodoric made peace with the Emperor Zeno and returned to live at the court of Byzantium.
"Theodoric learned that while he enjoyed at Constantinople of all goods of fortune, his nation, established in Illyria, was far to be there in abundance, he preferred, according to the use of his people seek livelihood by work, than to enjoy in idleness goods empire, and let his nation live in poverty "(Jordanes). He went to the Emperor and asked permission to go conquering Italy: "If I won, I shall possess the land by your gift and your generosity, if I am defeated, your devotion will lose nothing" (Jordanes ). It is exactly in these terms that three centuries later Charlemagne Guilhelm asked permission to reconquer Spain, we see that.
In 475, Odoacer, adventurer of genius, leader of barbarian mercenaries, had become master of the peninsula. To spare the emperor of the East, he had the idea to remove the imperial title and led the Senate to share his point of view. A delegation of senators, sent to Constantinople, one emperor Zeno convinced enough. Odoacer received the title of patrician and ruled Italy on behalf of Byzantium.
In the autumn of 488 the Ostrogoths and Ruges took the direction of the West. We have no certainty about their number. The Greutunges were in Ukraine, plus or minus a million, there were many who remained there, built by the Slavs. In the seventh century, the Croats liberated Illyria and Carinthia domination Avars were led by the Goths (Francis Dvornik, "Slavs", ed. Du Seuil, 1970). Others were acclimated Danubian regions until Dalmatia. When Theodoric in his tribulations in the Eastern Empire, took Durazzo, he was aided by Sigismund, reiks Goths of Epirus. The members of the Amal Strabo clan are valued at fifty thousand, they united with thirty miles of Theodoric clan. So it was only a small part of the East Goths who conquered Italy. This time the men took the road with women and children huddled in heavy trucks, the Lombards renewed migration that less than a century later. We will not dwell on the "Wild West", rich in drama, battles and exploits, who deserved to inspire epic Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone, their likely descendants.
It is only in the last days of February 493 Odoacer capitulated. Theodoric agreed to associate in power, on March 15, he was invited to attend a banquet at the Imperial Palace. There Theodoric the executed a sword blow, all his followers were massacred, paying the death of many warriors of this bloody epic. The son of Odoacer, Thala, was given to the king of Toulouse, Alaric II, who let starve. Theodoric, the new master of the Western Empire, proved an excellent ruler. In agriculture, among other things, the installation of peasant warriors Goths secured the food self-sufficiency, which then depended on Africa. Cassiodorus, a Calabrian family shows and historian of his reign, was full of praise for the king, the Byzantine Procopius placed "above all emperors, from the beginning, have been elevated to the supreme honor ". We will not develop this story especially for our Italian cousins, but in its implications "Visigoth"..
In 484 Alaric II had inherited from his father Evaric the kingdom of Toulouse, where intensified "hostility" between the Catholic clergy and Arian. More established and more numerous priests were able to more easily baptize Gothillons and after conquering the Arian clergy naturally integration to the Catholic clergy ("Goths", Renée Mussot-Goulard, ed. Atlantica, 1999). Pretext of this situation, Clovis made a first attempt to seize Aquitaine (489) besieging Bordeaux. The fierce resistance of the city and the diplomatic response of Theodoric of Italy forced the Frankish king to raise the siege and to meet Alaric "on an island in the Loire, which was near the village of Amboise ... having maintained together, eating and drinking well and have promised a reciprocal friendship, they parted peacefully. Already in Gaul, many wanted to have a burning desire Franks as masters "(Gregory of Tours, II). Of course, G. Tours was a Catholic bishop and a courtier who wrote the history of the Franks a century later. In 507, Gundobald, the Burgundian king, and Clovis, at the instigation of the Emperor Anastasius terrorized by Theodoric of Italy, attacked the whole kingdom of Toulouse. According to Gregory of Tours, Clovis the Franks made this speech: "It is with great sorrow that I bear these Arians occupy a part of Gaul. Walk with God's help and when they have been defeated we will submit their land to our domination. " This was done. To intervene before Theodoric, Franks and Burgundians crushed the Visigoths south of Poitiers, in the plain of Vouillé. Alaric was killed, the second conquered Aquitaine. A French historian qualify the conquest of "liberation of Aquitaine by Clovis ..." (M. Rouche), as if the country had one day belonged to the Franks. The son of Clovis, Theodoric, so named because he had a concubine gothane ("Visigoth" in French), seized the first Aquitaine while Gundobald invaded Septimania.
Alaric died, the king Tervinges refused to elect his son Amalaric too young. They voted for Gisélic (pronounced Guisélic) bastard Alaric. The latter, driven out of Narbonne by the Burgundians retreated Spain. Taking advantage of the event and to try to prevent Theodoric intervene in Gaul, a Byzantine army of two hundred ships attacked Italy, devastating the coast to Taranto along Franks and Burgundians put siege to Arles . Despite the "betrayal" of the Holy Catholic bishop Césaire wisigothane garrison and population resisted long enough to enable the General ostrogoth Ibba (Hildebrand) arrival: Arlesians making out in force at the time, enemies caught in the middle were crushed, losing thirty thousand men. Launched on its Ibba released Septimania. Saint Césaire appeared before Theodoric in Ravenna who recognized his innocence: it seems he had been betrayed by a cleric. 510 In general Ibba and Mammo attacked the Burgundians: all Provence to Valencia fell to the Ostrogoths. Ibba and penetrated into Spain and drove Gisélic Barcelona. We still keep Greutunges grudge against this betrayal. Gisélic fled to Africa, where Trasamund, the Vandal king, providing substantial assistance which enabled him, when he returned to Aquitaine, to fight for several months. Finally, in 511, was succeeded Ibba disperse his troops and kill him. This return Gisélic Aquitaine shows that the Visigoths, supported by the "Romans", whose family of Sidonius Apollinaris (and much of Roman Aquitaine, which contradicts the Frankish propaganda perpetuated by G. de Tours) No had not left the country despite some claims, including that of Procopius, "the survivors of the defeated emigrated with women and children", that is to say essentially the fighters who were afraid of retaliation. All Germans remembered the cruelty of Clovis in 496, had such a massacre that survivors of the Alemanni warriors took refuge in Ostrogothic Italy. And Thierry appeared worse than his father, especially in Auvergne (G. de Tours, M.Rouche, oc). The fugitives took advantage of victories Ibba to return home.
Theodoric was master, with Italy, Spain, headed by its General Theodis appointed guardian Amalaric and the Mediterranean coast of Gaul.
Sigismund succeeded his father in 516 Gundobald. Widower of the daughter of Theodoric of Italy, he left his second wife, Catholic, kill the son he had by his first marriage, Sigeric. This crime angered the Amal who then requested the Franks. The son of Clovis, Clodomir, Childebert and Clotaire, invaded Burgundy (523). Sigismund, defeated, was thrown with his wife and children in a well. Clodomir attacked Gundomar brother Sigismund, but he was defeated and killed (Vézeronce). Theodoric demanded, and obtained, the territory between Durance and Isere, the future Marquis of Provence.
In 526, the Ostrogoth king of Italy died after three days of dysentery likely caused by poisoning. Daughter Amalasunthe (Amalaswinthe) acted as regent.
In Constantinople Justinian succeeded his uncle Justin. His reign was great: it restores a moment the Roman empire by destroying the Gothic kingdom of Italy by a long war of twenty years (535-555). It also destroyed the Vandal kingdom of Carthage. The rest is history in Italy.
Spain, which Amalaric "wisely ruled the kingdom of his father" (G. de Tours, Book II), married Clotilde, sister and daughter of Childebert Clovis. "She had to endure many humiliations of Amalaric her husband because of his Catholic faith. So when she went to church, he ordered that he were drowned in her manure. Eventually he would even hit, they say, with such cruelty, she sent her brother a handkerchief stained with his blood "(G. de Tours, III, X). Childebert, "deeply moved won the Spains" where this new, Goths are "prepared to flee after their habit." There are several versions of the facts: the historian of the Franks, had prepared Amalaric ships to flee Narbonne and at the last moment, he realized he had left some of his treasure. Returning the look, he was isolated and was killed while attempting refuge in a church. According to Isidore of Seville, hated by his army, is by his own men would have been killed (531). In short, the Franks pillaged and Septimania "Childebert immediately hastened to remove his sister with great treasures to take her with him, but I know not by what accident, she died on the way" (G. Tours).
Theodis the Ostrogoth general who had served as regent during the minority of Amalaric, was elected king by the warriors and had no difficulty in regaining control of the situation.
In 544, to try to help Totilas king greutunge Italy, Theodis organized an expedition in Africa. It was a failure. The Byzantines then, with the help of Spanish Catholics, managed to take foot in Andalusia, which earned Theodis being murdered by his countrymen. "The Goths, in fact, had taken the bad habit, when one of their kings had displeased them, to stab him," wrote Gregory of Tours, adding "and if someone was to take their taste for the king." It was direct democracy! Théodogisèle was to taste a few months, after which, having ceased to please, he was stabbed in turn "when he was down to supper with his friends" (549).
Egila (Agila) succeeded him. Supported by nationalists he had a hard hand to Catholics, causing a revolt that another advantage reiks, Athanagild to dispute his power. Athanagild appealed to Justinian, who hastened to help, taking the opportunity to consolidate the occupation of Andalusia. Egila Athanagild was murdered and turned against the Byzantines, getting many successes, but without reaching the hunt in Spain. The greater glory of the king is to be the father of Brunnhilde (Brunhilda). The importance of the reign of the latter in Austrasia by the indirect consequences it had on his fellow eighth century, forced to make a detour.
Sigebert, grand-son of Clovis, received Austrasia after the death of his father Clotaire, while his brother got Neustria Chilperic. In 566, Sigebert married the daughter of Athanagild, Brunhilde. This came in Gaul "with great treasures' (BT) and, as was customary with a large entourage of warriors and slaves. They made all strain Austrasia, the son of one of them, Arnulf, steward of the royal domains of Brunnhilde, acquired fiefs in Woëvre. He is the direct ancestor of Charles Martel.
This union has raised the prestige of the king of Austrasia, Chilperic sent his many wives and asked for the hand of another daughter of the king of Toledo, Galswinthe, which was granted. "He felt a great love for her, because she had brought with her great treasures' (BT, IV, 28). Among his divorced wives included Fredegonde that so intrigued that Chilperic eventually be murdered Galswinthe. This déclancha between the two countries Francs long vendetta. In 575, Chilperic and Sigebert Fredegonde did murder in Paris, and "there also Sigila, who once came to Gothia was completely torn to pieces' (BT).
The father of the great queen that Brunhild was succeeded in 567 Liuva I, governor of Septimania. Condemned to remain in Gaul to fight Neustrians and Burgundians, he joined his brother Leovigild, which remained the only king to his death. Leovigild, "after the death of his wife, married Gundswinthe mother of Brunhilda. He had two of his first wife whose son married a daughter of Sigebert, the other a daughter of Chilperic. He divided the kingdom between them, killing all those who used to murder the king, without leaving any to piss against a wall '(BT is based on the Book of Kings, 1,16,11).
Leovigild reduced most areas still escaped the authority of the Goths. He regained the Greeks several cities (570-573) and Cantabria (574). He almost managed to make the unity of Spain when he bumped into a revolt led by his son Hermanagild in Baetica. The latter's wife, Ingonde daughter of Chilperic, had converted to Catholicism. With the support of Justinian he proclaimed himself king, beating its own currency. Leovigild paid the Byzantines retreated, Hermanagild was seized and executed (585) Leovigild annexed in all the kingdom of the Suevi who had supported the revolt. He Evaric revise the code, authorized intermarriage. He pursued a policy of peace with the Franks, except Guntram of Burgundy, where he crashed several times armies tried to seize Septimania. This was one of the greatest kings of Toledo. His son and successor Récarède (Richard) converted to Catholicism (586).
Récarède was, like all the governments of Spain to fight against the Basques. It crashed again Guntram (victory of Carcassonne, 589) he maintained good relations with Brunhilda and Childebert.
In 601, his son Liuva He took her away, but Vitéric, Arian, put him to death. He wanted to marry his daughter to the son of small-Brunhilda, Theodoric, king of Burgundy: it kept the "greatest treasures" and sent the girl. He suffered several setbacks both Franks and Byzantines, therefore, "having ceased to please" he was killed during a banquet (610). Gundomar was elected in his place, got success against the Byzantines and fought against the Basques. In 612, Sisebut (Sigisbald) elected king, began to annex the last pockets held by the Greeks. We think it was he who conquered "Spain transfrétane" the region extending from Tangier to Ceuta. This ruler was a man of letters, he remains in his work of poems, letters and a life of the saint. He was a friend of Isidore of Seville who dedicated his monumental work "in rerum natura."
"... That Visigothic Spain was undoubtedly when swept the Muslim invasion at the forefront of Western Christian civilization" (Henry Terrace, "Spain in the Middle Ages, ed Fayard).
In foreign policy he was hostile to Brunhild, who was no longer queen of Austrasia, but the Burgundy ruled in the name of his little son Theodoric II, supporting it against the king of Austrasia. Brunehilde wanted to make war with son Fredegonde, Clotaire II, but the Burgundian aristocracy heard with that of Austrasia in which she gave. These noble Austrasians were the ancestors of the Carolingian and goths are former vassals, assumed relay Toledo, who made him suffer the "punishment of the steppe" in use among the Goths after paraded naked on the back of a camel, he tied him to the tail of a horse race began in the room (613). So Hermanaric slew, it will be remembered, Sunilda. A constant policy of the kings of Toledo was the agreement with the Austrasians. Question affinities as well as political reasons. This agreement became vital for septimanienne Gothia (Charles Martel Louis the Pious).
The son of Sisebut Récarède II succeeded his father in 620 and died shortly after. Swinthila was elected and successfully fought the Byzantines. Needless to add that fought against the Basques details: not to conquer their country, but because they performed constant looting raids. In 631, Sisenand appealed to Dagobert, and against the promise to give him a flat gold once offered by Aetius to Thorismud after the battle of Chalons fields, he got help. But he managed to take power before the arrival of the Franks and had to pay them a large sum of gold to make them evacuate Spain ... Many kings followed, whose reigns were marked by the increasing influence of the church on a become absolute monarchy.
In 672, became king Wamba. He is the first one whose story has survived the coronation, "when he arrived at the church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, Wamba, bear the royal costume which drew all eyes, swore to the people, as usual and then he knelt and oil (holy anointing) is widespread on his head by the holy pontiff Quirinus, and the fullness of blessing manifested ... "(Julian of Toledo, History of Wamba).
He was preparing to fight against the Basques ... when, in 673, Count of Nimes, Hilderic and Gunild, Bishop of Maguelonne, revolted with the help of Aquitaine. For safety Wamba gave the command of the army crackdown to a noble Greek, Duke Paul. The latter, with his troops from the Tarraconaise was convinced by the Duke of that province Ranosinde to rally the mutineers and Paul was proclaimed "King of Septimania." The danger was so great that Wamba brutally attacked aux Basques who supported the rebels, ravaged their country, forcing them to make peace, then an army could cross their territory and, together with two other expeditionary forces who passed through the north- is, they invaded the Gallic province. The last days of August 673, Paul, besieged in the arenas of Nimes, was forced to surrender. This rebellion was a nationalist reaction in two provinces densely Gothic settlement, against the continued attempts to integrate a power increasingly totalitarian. Wamba released Franks and Saxons came to support Paul, which had the right to ride a camel, but was not executed. This moderation is revealing: a majority of the Visigoths of Spain shared the feelings of the rebels.
Many reforms have been imposed by the kings, under pressure from religious scholars. "The culture of the Roman bishops made them able to formulate in terms of unification, both political and religious awareness of the new Hispano-Gothic reality, especially after the conversion Récarède" (S.Teillet, The Goths the Gothic nation, Les Belles Lettres, 1984). But this fact only concerned natives although "most Romanized" Barbarians, Goths remained descendants of the conquerors and the Iberians in their majority still considered foreigners. This is still seen as Isidore of Seville, who tried to seduce seeking naively convinced that they "had not conquered Spain, but they were liberated from the domination of the Romans." The speed of the Arab conquest with the support of a majority of indigenous demonstrated the failure of these attempts.
Hoping to absorb them if they can not eliminate, the church was able to convert to Catholicism. If there were a few bursts Arians, whose reaction Vitéric, overall there was no problem in terms of religion there. We have seen that the Goths of Aquitaine soon became Catholic origin by force of circumstance. The Tervinges in their mass were not fanatics. Gregory of Tours who had mania, whenever he met a Goth, attack on his "foul Arianism" says innocently (not sure) a conversation he had with Ambassador Agila he calls man "of a null and devoid of systematic reasoning and completely perverted by hatred of the Catholic faith intelligence"
The arguments of Gregory Agila responds: "Do not blaspheme against a law that you do not observe, because we, although we do not share your beliefs, yet we do not blaspheme against them. We even say that this is not a fault when switching between a pagan altar and a church revere one and the other. "
The Kings acquired the Catholic cause were in stages amended legislation: the right of the Goths and Romans live by their own laws is abolished and a single law is applied to all subjects. This is the principle which excludes Chindaswinthe personality laws, then Réceswinthe finally adopts the principle of territoriality and promulgated a new code applicable to all people, except the Jews, the "Book of Judges" (liber judiciorum) which brought together Leovigild laws of Chindaswinthe and hers. Supplemented or modified by Wamba, Erwig, Egica, Lex Wisighotorum remained in use until the Middle Ages in Asturias, in Septimania and Catalonia.
The Councils of Toledo met fairly regularly, and the rulers were elected by the nobles of the kingdom and the bishops. Royalty often relied on the Spaniards, devout Catholics, and a minority of tycoons gothans. The councils legislated on major issues and laws were enacted "in nomine Domini." Provincial Goths, the most numerous, did not adhere to this system contrary to democratic ancestral traditions. The councils responded to the discontent with new measures. Receswinthe, who felt he owed his throne to God, issued a decree stating that rights are kings and not the person. In 672, the covenant of royalty with the church was sealed by the holy anointing ceremony, which Wamba was the first recipient. In 681, Egica admitted Spaniards in the army, the unpopularity of such a measure was not without effect on the fighting spirit of the troops against the Saracens. When Chintila Sisenand succeeded, he summoned the Council of Toledo (636) to confirm his takeover. He took the opportunity to pass more guns: prohibition of aspiring to the throne if it was not elected by the nobles and bishops not to elect a successor to the living of a reigning sovereign, not to say against him curses nor seek by superstitious to know the date of his death means. In 633, the bishops had issued a gun anathémisant any revolt against the king. The long series of murders had taken these steps to enable the sovereign to enjoy their function safely and without hindrance rule against power.
The young son of Chintila, Tulga was elected. Fearing that his age is a source of trouble, tycoons fomented a plot, made him mow and relegated to a monastery. They put his Chindaswinthe site. This octogenarian son of Swintila, a reign of terror and baited against the Gothic aristocracy. In Gaul the pseudo-Fredegaire wrote that massacred or exiled seven hundred Goths, nobles and bourgeois, delivering his faithful women, girls and property of its victims. Under the reign of fascist avant la lettre, the Council of 646 threatened to excommunicate anyone, secular or religious, who have taken part in a conspiracy against the king, even if the plot was successful! Yet Chindaswinthe, say, improving the lot of slaves, prohibiting the killing, giving them the right, in case of fault, to be judged. His son Réceswinthe had to struggle against the rebellion Froja, Wamba and his successor against the Goths of Septimania.
Erwig took after Wamba. The council decided 683 restitution of property confiscated from Paul supporters and the families of convicted Chindaswinthe.
A Erwig succeeded by his son Egica (686) who continued either Goths, to making "vicious" to death, and the Jews. Anti-Semitism was inspired by the church. In Septimania, then as later in the thirteenth century, the Jews, have fewer problems: Toledo decisions and those of the local bishops usually remained a dead letter. One of the reasons for the excommunication of Raymond VI, in 1207, was that he had given them for public office. The first severe measures against them had been taken by the Récarède converted. The envoy of Gregory the Great, Probinus, back to Rome, the pope was informed of "the good will of the king, in particular its firmness against Jews." They had been forbidden to have a woman or a Christian concubine, to hold public office, to have Christian slaves. Sisebut allies of the Franks, accentuated the repression following the example of Chilperic he imposed the Jews to convert on pain of banishment and confiscation of property. Many took refuge in Septimania and Provence. Sisenant confirmed these measures Chintila forbidden to reside in Spain, and the council decided that 638 kings were under anathema, ensure the implementation of the ban. Réceswinthe repeated these laws, implying that the Jews were still many, therefore protected by the Goths. Protection not really disinterested: it is they who, two centuries later, through Dhuoda, financèrent partly Bernard Septimania (Manual Dhuoda, Mégariotis Reprints, Geneva).
The Arab defeat was the result of a serious disagreement between the majority of Tervinges and some feudal lords related to the church, which appointed the kings unlike Gothic traditions. Where these multiple revolts. In addition, the Iberian population resented the domination expensive "liberators of the Roman occupation."
Witiza seemed to be a better king than his father Egica. But the Visigoths refused the sovereign who received the holy anointing against their will, without election. There were several uprisings. At one of the rebel leaders, Théodred, Duke of Cordoba, the king put out the eyes. The aristocracy revolted en masse: a meeting appointed to occupy the throne, the governor of Baetica, Roderic, son of Théodred, whereas Septimanie Goths took to King Akhila. The woman Witiza, Anagilde, took refuge with his son, Egila, with the Byzantine Exarch of Ceuta, Count Julian. It is Christian to justify his betrayal is said that her daughter had been raped Florinda or by Witiza or by Roderic. If this story has a chance of being true, the culprit would rather Witiza who had killed a dignitary, Favila, for a woman.
Julian appealed to the Arabs. He heard with Musa, governor of Africa to the caliph Abd al-Walid, and made him pass the Straits of Hercules in a commando led by Tarik who made several raids around Algeciras. Encouraged by the lack of reaction of the Goths in 711 Tarik and Julien, with a large contingent Berber and some Arabs (7000 is said) landed near what is now Gibraltar, "el Jebel Tarik." Joined the invading Spaniards, with a body of cavalry under the command of Miguel Rumi.
Roderic having collected a powerful army, a hundred thousand warriors by the Arabs, Tarik requested reinforcements and two army met around Seville. Unfortunately for Roderic, the general who commanded the flanks of the army, Oppas, Archbishop of Seville, and Sisebut, perhaps son of Witiza, betrayed him by joining the enemy. The Goths were crushed and Roderick disappeared into the fray. (July 711).
Tarik, the momentum, seized the town of Ecija, Miguel Rumi sent to Cordoba and then, in a campaign a few months, Julian and Oppas they captured Toledo. The tribute that Toledans payèrent Arabs, from that moment, was less than they paid the Visigoths! Everywhere the Jews helped the Muslims, do not hesitate to take up arms on behalf of their liberators.
Moussa, choosing vote the success of the Berbers, landed in turn (712). Carmona gave herself only Seville and Merida put up a stiff resistance. Abd al-Aziz took command of Spain conquered. Here and there subsisted foci of resistance in the region of Ripoll, goth count Chintila still fighting in 736. A Orihuela, Theodemer, an admiral who was the winner of the Byzantines, remained strong enough to deal with Abd-el-Aziz, who left his autonomy against payment of tribute. It was not the only one ...
The first Iberian Editors translated by a scathing shortcut occupation and the expulsion of the Goths:
"Era CCCXLVIIII egressi Gothi sunt terra sua.
"Era CCCLXVI ingressi sunt Hispaniam and Dominati sunt Hispaniam annis CCCLXXXIII and XVII per annos perverunt Hispaniam in terra sua" (after a few lines about the Arabs) and "Gothic Era DCCXLVIII EXPULSI SUNT OF HYSPANIA" (Livro da Noa, Chronicon Conimbrigense, chronica Gothorum.)
Pelagius, the son of Favila Witiza that killed a woman, first collaborated with the Arabs Mounoussa. But it is being in love with his sister, Pelayo, dissatisfied, gathered a small group of three hundred nobles joined the Goths and other Tervinges and Swabians refuge in the mountains of Asturias (to 717/718). He began the reconquest by the victory of Covadonga.
Older texts say that the Arabs ruled five years before Pelagius did not become king. In the two centuries that followed, important people, including church people, were all Germanic names. (In Septimania, however, often took the Latin religious or biblical names, eg Benedict, the saint, whose real name Witiza).
Nevermind the details of early domination, Egilane sad fate, the wife of Roderick, Abd-el-Aziz married, which cost the lives of the latter.
Naturally the Saracens who invested all of Spain, crossed the Pyrenees to conquer Septimania. They were repulsed in 714 by the remnants of the army wisigothane Duke of Aquitaine and Otto (Odo), but not evacuated the country. The danger prompted the Duke of Aquitaine to approach the Franks, and perhaps one of their quotas, besieged Toulouse was clear and buckwheat leader killed (721). In 724, new offensive, the ouali Spain, El Khalabi besieged Carcassonne; resistant Goths, the ouali went to Nîmes and then embarked on a looting raid on Lyon and Autun. He was killed in an ambush on his return.
Septimania was entirely in the hands of the Saracens. The occupation, military garrisons was limited to but one attempt at colonization in Narbonne. The resistance of Carcassonne and the whole province had earned the inhabitants granting favorable conditions: the counts remained in place and the Gothic laws in force. At Narbonne Akhila was still king and continued to mint coins.
Rivalries between Arabs and Berbers stopped the invasion of Gaul momentarily. The duke of Aquitaine took the opportunity to take the fight against the Franks in alliance with Mounoussa, governor of Septimania. But ouali Spain managed to beat the Berber chief who committed suicide not to witness the rape of his wife. Abd-er-Rahman invaded Aquitaine through the Basque country, seized Bordeaux, he plundered; Otto appealed to Charles. The ouali heading towards Tours was defeated and killed between this city and Poitiers by Charles Martel of the Franks with reinforcements Burgundians and Aquitaine (October 732). This Charles had emerged as king of the Franks after many vicissitudes and victories against Neustrians and Aquitaine (716.717).
To ensure and extend his power he turned his efforts on Germany and undertook several campaigns against the Saxons (720-722). Around 724, he took into his service missionaries Pirmin Goths and Erhard, through which he could extend his influence over Alsace, the Thuringia and Bavaria
Otto died in 735, Martel invaded Aquitaine and took Bordeaux Blaye, but the heroic resistance of Aquitaine forced him to leave in place the new Duke Hunald the famous "Huon of Bordeaux", making him swear loyalty. He then attacked the Arabs in the Rhone Valley that were allied to the Duke of Provence Mauron. He besieged and took Avignon, then tried to release Septimania. In a lightning stroke he slew the enemy garrisons Beziers, Nimes, Agde and Maguelone.
With Lodève and Uzes throughout northern Gothia again became independent (737).
Martel was not soft but it was not crowded Septimanie transformed into desert. Many Goths begin his service at that time. Recalled in Austrasia by the incursions of the Saxons, Charles asked the Lombard king Liutprand intervene against Mauron. It was a failure, forcing the Carolingian back. In 739 Provence was hard subject, the property of nobles and church were confiscated and given to the Franks and Goths. The latter moved to Arles in Orange, where they will grow up to Lyon, Burgundian land. "Blood, fire and looting, that's what brought the Franks in each city to help give the Muslims, which could not be more hate" (G. Mantayer "Provence" Picard 1908). Provencal religious, robbed, retaliated in their testimonies, amplifying and generalizing to the entire South abuses in Provence against the allies of the Arabs. The Muslim threat to the Rhone Valley was dismissed. Only Septimanie South still resisted, Narbonne, under Arab protectorate remained a goth kingdom that Charlemagne himself respect.
North of the Cantabrian Mountains, the small kingdom of Pelagius strengthened, Oviedo, taken from the Arabs became the capital (720). Under the reign of Aldafuns
(Alphonse) of 739-757, he began the reconquest.
Even if they were not opposed to the Franks until the beginning of the reign of Louis the Pious, the remark Arthur Kleinclausz is valid for them as for people not frank: "The scarcity of testimony from opponents of the king and who would control the accounts of historians francs is singularly unfortunate "(Charlemagne, ed. Tallandier, 1977). Still need to keep in mind.
Propaganda at the time, was as effective as it is today, and just as dishonest. We will soon see in an example about Bernard of Septimania, Duke of Gothia. There is much more: the ancestor of Charlemagne goth, Arnulf was right, just died a "vita" making a saint panegyric which has helped make the fortune of his family. Two centuries after another manuscript attributed to him Aquitaine origins latter text mentions an oral tradition closer to the truth, but also in response to a new need: to admit to Aquitaine, constant rebellion Carolingian authority.
Of the Gothic area of the hexagon, the Arabs, the Frankish invasions, wars of religion, and especially the Inquisition, have removed much of the local sources. For example, the literature of the troubadours, "it is remarkable that many manuscripts come to us from foreign libraries: 27 of the 45 main singers are Italian hands against 10 Provence or Languedoc" (J. Rouquette, "literature Oc" What I know). In Italy, the Bible Wulfila, single copy preserved in Uppsala, was written in Gothic to 500. It is curious that other works, written in the alphabet of the apostle of the Goths we are not reached, whereas until the ninth century is still preached in some churches in Gothic Septimania (P.Gachon History Languedoc, éd.Boivin, 1920) in the province of the kingdom of Toledo Arianism was maintained. With the ascendancy of absolutist church and the only study of the Bible, "the story fell suddenly in the most deplorable nullity" (A. Savagner). "Faced with the clerical monopoly, the lay aristocracy seeks to build gradually its own system of values, especially from the moment appear split between a small circle of powerful (potentes..) And a small aristocracy and from milites. The first, like the Carolingians, are similar to the clerical culture and there engluent (J. Le Goff). But in the latter, the values of the barbaric civilization remained alive and popular primitive background is not excluded from their own mental universe ... "(Michel Banniard, the Western Middle Ages, What do I know, PUF). It is located in Languedoc no manuscript of the Origo Gothica Jordanes. And if there were, the Catholic clergy and the Inquisition after the conquest, destroyed everything that could remind the Arians (Goths) and the Cathars.
In the eleventh century, in a totally population Romanesque language, still remained a tiny minority goth language: the salt merchants "goths", from the county Trancavel, went on a donkey, the market Bazièges in County of Toulouse.
In this fully autonomous Gothia, the emperors of the Chapter and qualifications published by claiming to save a color of authority "King of the Franks and Goths." The last of these diplomas, for the Bishop of Elne date 915.
In most texts VIII-IX centuries, the inhabitants of the empire are called "free." Ermold the Black (died about 830), Goth Aquitaine, shows more nuances. At the rally for the expedition to Britain, commissioned by Louis the Pious, he tells us that "first come the Franks themselves, who were first carried the name" and then it details the ethnicity of the other warriors. For the siege of Barcelona (800-801) list "Franks, Basques, Goths, Aquitaine." In the rest of his account of the siege he speaks only of the Franks, logical shortcut. But the city is taken at Goth Béro it is assigned. Benedict Aniane he wrote that he had made known "in the land of the Goths" and the Emperor "had been brought into the country of the Franks". In this country the people of the Goths had retained their traditions. Ermold describes the duel of two counts goths (820) and Bero Sunilo "soon engage in combat of a new species to which the Franks were not accustomed," the two counts with each fighter "a horse and weapons light in use among the Goths. " Eginhard Roncesvalles noticed that "the Franks were served by the heaviness of their weapons." (Ermold the Black, "poem about Louis the Pious", trans. E.Faral, Les Belles Lettres). Unlike Ermold their contemporary Einhard (775-840) and Nithard (800-844, the most endearing writers of his time) never mention, referring only Septimania.
Once the dynasty caroligienne decays, Goths are reappearing in some manuscripts. But if they hold an important place in Richer later Adhemar de Chabannes (988-1034) prolix on Aquitaine, not a word, but the descendants of the Goths of Aquitaine kingdom of Toulouse.
Richer (who still lived to 998), author of a history of France that bothers some official records, made many references to the Goths. Describing a battle with Eudes (888-898), "the king, he wrote, mobilized by royal edict all the knights and all the soldiers he could meet in Aquitaine. Provence, which is limited by the Rhone, the Alps, the sea and the Gothia provides him at Orange and Arles;. Gothia, of Toulouse and Nimes "(Richer" history of France "trad R. Latouche, the Belles Lettres, Paris). In his speech to the ost, Eudes reminds warriors exploits of their ancestors and refers to the capture of Rome by Alaric, the Burgundians and the Vandals "the king was escorted by French and Aquitaine great ... he exhorted them to the battle and sought to increase their natural bravery, he reminded them that they were better than other people, they were stronger, bolder and better armed than their ancestors had fought all over the world and almost crashed terribly same capital of the universe, Rome. " Always follow Richer in 932 "princes of Gothia, Raimond and Ermangaud, advance on the banks of the Loire to the king (Raoul) to offer to serve him." In 987, Hugh Capet was proclaimed "king of the Gauls, Britons, Danes, Aquitaine, Goths, Spaniards and Gascons ... "
"... Per metropolitanum aliosque episcopus noviami coronatus, Gallis, Brittannis, Danis Aquitanis, Gothis, Hispanis, Wasconibus rex Kal. Jun. . praerogatur "(Richer) Capetian at reduced power claiming the Carolingian past as a plan qu'exécuront his descendants, but when," from 987 to 1108, the princes of the south, Duke of Gascony, Count of Toulouse, Count of Spanish March, do not meet the king, and having never seen, could not pay tribute to him and not his vassals. Where a climate of mutual oblivion. "(J.-F . Lemarignier, "Medieval France", A. Colin, 1970).
During the First Crusade (1096-1099), the Languedoc are always called "goths". In this expedition involving all southern "those we call the Provence, the Burgundians, the Auvergne, the Gascons and the Goths" (Raimond of Aguilers, who accompanied Raymond IV to the crusade which he made a relationship).
In 1208, Durant Huesca, investigating the Cathars wrote: "to what we have seen and heard in some parts of the provinces of Aquitaine and Gothia ..."
The Sixteenth century was called the Languedoc "Languegoth" (as Rabelais)
Much later attachment to the land being substituted for attachment to the ethnic community, which is maintained so far as the ethnic minority was no longer obliged to refer to the race. Nationalist Goths became patriots. But patriotism is a breakdown of the sense of nation, which occurs when it is rooted.
Anthroponymy can help to observe the movement of people, despite the homonyms due to close languages found among the Normans characters with the same names as the Goths. The influence of fashion on the allocation of (pre) name did not appear until the eleventh / twelfth centuries. Gothic euphonious connection (Alaric / Alric) tends to be lost at the end of the kingdom of Toledo, but persist in South Aquitaine. The names have survived distorted sometimes unrecognizable through Latin writings, ranging from a scribe to another, from one region to another. "Recarrède" the Visigoth king, is written in the manuscripts "Recaredus" (reiks + hard), that is to say, "Richard", the name given by Eleanor of Aquitaine to his son Richard Lion Heart. 620 disappeared in the King of Toledo Sisebut, the same name, in 878, was written Sigebode (a bishop of Narbonne), form closer to the Germanic / form Sigebald Sigisbald. From the eighth century, the links of large families are highlighted by name transfers, some of which become appendages, there is no Karl among Goths and no Wilhelm (Guilhelm) in Carolingians. "Theodoric" fetish name of the Goths, the Franks went with Clovis gothane concubine whom he had a son, Theodoric (Thierry) who was king of Austrasia. The second Theodoric was Merovingian famous king of Burgundy, grand-son of Brunnhilde. Superstition gave the names of magical powers "that child grows and realizes what this name means" proclaims Guntram the baptism of his nephew Clotaire II ("the victorious"). (Gregory of Tours, Book X). "Ragin Mund" was a 322 reiks Goths Bridge. The Greeks called it "Rausimod" and became home "Raimond / Ramon" and "Raymond" in France.
In Australasia there are many Gothic names: the eponymous Wamba Gambsheim Wulfila of Woelfling; Tollaincourt just Théudila (Totilas) Tourmont (Jura) of Thorismund, Corberon (Gold Coast) of Bero. The Tranclière, Tranqueville-Graux and Triconville of "Tranculf" or "Trancawulf '(euphonic of Tranc + link + wulf = wolf slayer) distorted by monks in southern TRENCAVEL (unrelated Trenca Avelana). We find this same name in Normandy, imported by the Danes.
After the Arab conquest, the influx of refugees spread of Asturias in Aquitaine, Spain to Provence, Auvergne and until Lyonnais (region of high Gotho Burgundian-mix) and Burgundy "Anfos" ( Adalfuns / Alphonse), the "Bermund" became Bermont and Bremond (Bermuda in Asturias), the Ansemund, the Ramnulf, the Atulf, etc ...
It is a specifically Gothic name "Amalaric" given the small son of Theodoric the Amal (Theodoric of Italy). It has evolved over time "Aimeri" southern deformation unrelated Henri. In the north a similar deformation, but respectful, gave "Amaury". In the Italian version of Narbonne (Narbonne Aimeri the gesture) is not a translation of the French text, Aimeri is called Amerigo, which is Italian for the Amalaric (now the name of America). In these "Nerbonesi" a son of Amerigo is called Namieri (Gothic Nam Hari) in the French version when it is called love, the Germans is translated Heimrich we returned Henry. This last name was unknown in the south at the time of the birth of the Gothic version of the gesture. It became fashionable in the north, as a result of the victory of the Bavarian Henry of Babenberg on the Normans in 885. The names formed with this name are very rare and late. Austrasia still names the eponymous Amal: Ambleville Amblainville, Ambricourt, Amélécourt, Ammerschwir ...
After Charlemagne, the imbroglio alliances makes difficult the distinction of a crowd of families are torn or agree to carve out fiefdoms. But in general the Gothic aristocracy remained faithful to his country (Aquitaine and Languedoc) when it could make a fortune in the north, for example, Wilhelmides preferred to stay home when they were rich fiefs in Burgundy (Saône et Loire). If the surname does not exist, the Goths traditionally gave the elder the name of the father, who in turn passed. The younger received a name used in the family or given by her mother, where the adoption of 'foreign' names. In turn, the younger gave his name to his eldest son, etc.. allowing the tracking of many lineages.
If Visigoth record, which inspired Ermold have disappeared, a set of texts from these "annals" said epics, illuminates the history of the ambiguous relationship between Goths and Austrasians: the "Narbonne." The oldest French manuscripts were copied late twelfth century. Few Germanic sagas have survived, Charlemagne had ordered a compilation in Teutonic language, but his son did not take over and André Lefèvre issued on Louis the Pious severe judgment, as do know our ancient historians, who not embarrassed stupid consensus "Charlemagne loved to hear him sing during meals, these pieces still detached, yet scattered, future epic, he did the same, reports Einhard carefully collect, how donation was- he not bequeathed to posterity, without the silly reluctance of Louis the Pious, Ludovicus pius! This sad king, enough to burst Germain eyes of his nephew Bernard, Christian was too rough to prefer war poems to flat formulas of the liturgy "..." He did not want to read or hear or be taught, says his Thegan historian, the songs he had learned in his youth. " Unorthodox, rather less fool, an abbot of Reichenau, Waldo, was at the same time (IX century) copied by his religious twelve songs Teutonic language "(A.Lefèvre, Germans and Slavs, oc).
The case of Narbonne, which cling all other cycles, is mysterious, the gesture is rich in adaptation, on a background of very distant traditions, adventures of historical heroes. "Give me, Lord, Orange, the dreaded city Valsoré, Valsure and country of Nimes ... But I ask the country of Spain, and Tortelose Porpaillart-on-Sea. If you grant me this field, it does not imply any recognition because you never commanded troops there, or supported the knights, and you do not appauvrirez your heritage "(the Cartage Nimes, translation Fabienne Gégou , ed. Champion, 1984). It is comparable in terms Theodoric addressed to Zeno permission to conquer Italy (section 6). Many passages evokes the terrible war of Provence: "the sound of victory goes to France, Count William liberated the city of Nimes" (the Cartage). As for Orange, his lawyer in the gesture is buckwheat Tibaut, Theodebald Germanic name. But the war was fought against the allies in Provence Arabs local barons. In a manuscript Aimeri Narbonne, Charlemagne besieged Narbonne "the proudest city in Spain," recognition (unintentional on the part of French copiers) of historical reality.
These indices, among others, show that the model of the gesture was developed shortly after the events recounted and perhaps written in Gothic (hence the reduced diffusion?) Authors, heirs Scaldes, were from the northern sub-plateau, populated by latecomers of Pannonias. "Aimeri behaves possessor of the world and this attitude can only be understood if we assume that the Count of Narbonne is the heir of a" mythical first king "of Indo-European type," writes Grisward. It showed a relationship between the stories and ancient Iranians gesture recognized Visigothic origin by the author and Dumezil (Joel H. Grisward, "Archaeology of medieval epic" (trifunctional structures and myths Indo- in the European cycle of Narbonne) Payot, ed. 1981).
The original source has been used to make a soap opera naturalized by clerics of an abbey in France where the model has landed. In the thirteenth century manuscript of the "Department of Children Aimeri" (BN1448) is written: "It is a monk of Saint-Denis in France who had it."
"If now I shared in September this county,
"The greater share would be very small!
"I do not do anything! Go find another stronghold!
"Go to France, show you conquerors ..." (trans. JH Grisward, oc)
So he jeered Aimeri his son to encourage them to leave the territory became cramped, conforming to the ancient Scandinavian tradition and Indo-Iranian
The exaltation of the lineage, the loyalty to the king of the French arguments that refute an earlier version of the cycle, are virtues that we find expressed with force and conviction in the Manual Dhuoda, written in 843.
The remanieurs, if not call the Gothia by name, never confuse this with France and did not bother to evacuate francophobes feelings show heroes in their moments of anger, thereby recognizing their non-membership of the Frankish nation. "By God, French, you are all cowards! "(Hermangarde). "Abandon France, to send the devil and the king who has become so stupid! "(Bertrand). "We will go to France to make war with French and we will not let it stand a castle! "(Girard Vienna). Mr. Italo Siciliano describes the heroes of the gesture: "restless, cordials, likely, boastful, generous, after all good southern ..." (Quoted in J-H Grisward). Moreover Guilhelm keep reminding the assistance of himself and his lineage to the Carolingians. At the coronation of Louis, he slays an evil counselor, says Charles's father Guilhelm, Aimeri "your lineage just saved mine for his bravery." Another time the nephew of the Count of Toulouse prevents it: "Our emperor gave fiefs to his barons ... you and me, uncle, are forgotten"; short Guilhelm see Louis, busting one of these rages that punctuate cycle and eventually get what he wants, that is to say the Kingdom of Spain. In Aliscans still angry after the future saint, Louis admits: "It's true, I owe you everything, the whole of France is yours! ". All this reflects the general feeling of the Goths who have always supported loyally Austrasian dynasty and have not been rewarded, if they were autonomous independence was never recognized them, "this is so when you're serving bad people, the more you do the less you shoot. " Louis and channels there their resentment: "poor king, and assoté loose, soft and whiny, without energy and courage." We imagine that it was written after the return of Bernard of Septimania, which was "the second character of the empire" and as such tried to fight against the corruption of the court (last chapter). The saga conjure political inferiority Gothia by asserting the superiority of Wilhelmian dynasty heiress Balthe-Amal, against the Carolingian ... "then the count gave him his sister in marriage, and Louis came from a family of barons. When he was strong he was able to counter the point Guilhelm "(Coronation of Louis, trans. Lanly A., ed. Champion). Louis the Pious, king of Aquitaine, married in first wedding of a daughter Guilhelm Gellone, known for Blancheflor, whom he had Arnulf and Alpaïs the Aélis the gesture.
Now give an example of the difficulty of identifying the origin of the historical figures of the time, this problem has also been used by the Franco-German historians "franquiser" everyone shamelessly. They believe that the Goths have vanished after 711, when they have become the endogenous people, both in number relative to the start that the loss of vitality of the natives. This was not the case in Spain where the Iberian retained a high birth rate, one of the reasons for the failure of colonization in Iberia. We can draw a parallel with the colonization of Algeria.
Returning to the case of Theodoric (born in Narbonne during the Arab occupation, between 710 and 725) became Count of Autun (755) by donating Childebrand, Count of Burgundy, brother Martel, the death of the owner without an heir male, the holder also called Theodoric, he married Rolinde (Rothlindis) Aquitaine. His successor goth married Aldane (Aldana, Alda, Auda). He became Prime Thierry Autun (If it had been the son of his predecessor, he would have been called "Thierry II"). Aldane begin with uncertainties that are not exercised. Aldane she was the daughter of Charles Martel was said. Charles Martel had married third wedding Ruodhaid (Hruodhaidis ouHruodirudis) whom he had three boys AND Aldane? Furthermore it is believed that the mother was Aldane Rothilde Gellone (Ruothildis). Hruodirudis Ruothildis and would they be the same woman? . One son of Aldane and Theodoric, William (Guilhelm), held the county Gellone of his mother, who had it from Rothilde. If Rothilde Ruodhaid is not, it could be Rolinde. Most likely, but not necessarily true is that Ruothildis given as the daughter of an earl Gellone is the same woman Rothlindis of Aquitaine, the daughter of austrasien (?) Norbert of Aquitaine , with a family in the south. Ruothildis and Rothlindis be a single woman, the family Peppinides (related to Charles) wife of Thierry d'Autun, father Aldane. Hence the references to kinship with Caroligiens. Guilhelm christened one of his daughters Rothlindis.
Mr. correction "of Menerba" (UCV, Caracas):
Ruodhaid, Rothilde, a goth girl count, joined the Franks, among other Gellone owner, became the mistress of Charles Martel and had four children Aldane. The latter married the son of Count goth Lodeve, Theodoric, who received brother Martel Childebrand the county of Autun, the death of the holder without a male heir.
Among historians considered serious (. Occitan including Cl Delpla is an exception: "History Occitan" chapter first; IEO)) and generally on websites like Wikipedia, all perpetuate the legend of Frankish origin Wilhelmides. The strength of the propaganda of the victor ...
In 751, the son of Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, with the support of the Pope, had himself elected king at Soissons by the Frankish nobility. Then he was crowned by St. Boniface, is unprecedented among the Franks. It has been said, rightly, that it was under the influence of the Visigoths. The coronation, in imitation of the kings Toledans to remind him of his Gothic origins was in the king of Spain (for the reconquest. Hugues Capet in 987 still proclaimed King of Spain).
A few months later, by chance, Ansemund, who led the Septimanie already independent, recognized the authority of the Austrasian king. Only Narbonne refused to submit and Ansemund was killed by one of his men because he wanted to make the seat. According to an old habit Visigoths found themselves divided, with some supporters of an alliance with Waifer. The latter tried to intervene and attacked favorable Tervinges the Franks. Count Maguelonne, Aginwulf (father of St. Benedict) beats and massacred its Basque mercenaries. The cities of Nimes and Uzes, whose counts were allied with Waifer were temporarily fitted with a Frankish garrison.
Threatened by the Lombards who came to Ravenna and hunt the Byzantines in northern Italy, Pope Stephen II went to Gaul to seek help from the father of Charlemagne. It sacra
for the second time in Saint-Denis Pépin, conferred holy anointing his son and blessed Queen Bertrade. The momentum he gave the title of patrician of the Romans to the king and his son (754). It became impossible for the king to refuse the assistance of his arms. Franks and Goths entered Italy and besieged Pavia (755). Pepin did promise the Lombard king to make Ravenna and confident in the word, took the way back.
Hardly had he received a call from Pope Aistulf, the Lombard king, ready to conquer Rome. The Franks came, began again besieged Pavia (756). Aistulf then agreed to deliver a dozen cities in the church and gave hostages guaranteed. The Franc advantage of his stay in Italy to be the protector of the Ostrogoths, the Lombards tried to rob (before they do with them "one people").
In 759, after long negotiations with the extramural Goths, the Count of Autun, and against laws to keep their promise, their king Milo and autonomy, Narbonne massacred Arabs of their city and accepted the suzerainty Austrasian. The blockade lasted seven years, from 752 to 759. This fully joined kingdom, Pepin decided to tackle Aquitaine. If we judge by the long preparations, it should represent an ominous, the king passed the agreement with the wali of Barcelona, won the Goths Asturias they intervene against the Basques. Before rallying Narbonne, he attacked the Britons to discourage support Waifer.
From 760 to 768 each year from spring, the Franks, with the Gothic cavalry, Aquitaine devastated "by the fire, blood and plunder." Despite his courage, and little support from Gotho-Aquitaine, Waifer was finally defeated and killed. The country was ruined; Pépin settled in depopulated areas, Austrasians settlers.
When Karl succeeded his father Pepin (768), he said the dream of Gothan reconquest of Spain, and the opportunity arose when some Arab leaders offered his help. It was a failure that closed the drama of Roncesvalles (778).
The agitation of Aquitaine encouraged Charlemagne to restore a kingdom of Aquitaine to his son Louis the Pious, he told the military command of the Gothia with Toulouse, Guilhelme Gellone (790). It had to fight against both the Basques and against the Arabs. He went to them and Girona Urgel, causing a strong reaction from the emir of Cordoba, Abd-el-Malik, who invaded Gothia. The army Guilhelm stopped on the banks of the Orbieu in a battle that is referred to as defeat, because the Arabs were able to return to Spain, the defeat ended, however, the ambitions of the Moors in the north of the Pyrenees otherwise their plunder.
In 801, after seven months of siege, an army of Goths, the Franks, of Aquitaine, the Basques, Provence and Burgundy, took Barcelona was returned to the Goths. In 809, the Goths with Barcelona, which Béro and Borel, Louis the Pious seized Tarragona and Tortosa besieged: he suffers a failure that happen next year. In 811, after receiving reinforcements, he managed to take the city on Guilhelme, he retired to the abbey of Gellone he founded near Lodeve (806).
In 813, Charlemagne associated his son to the throne, was crowned emperor before returning in Aquitaine framed by two Goths, and Hélisachar Benedict Aniane. . The age, he preferred to devote himself to his passion and he took as his adviser cousin Wala married to a daughter of Guilhelme, giving him the place of chamberlain, that is to say, all the powers, which he abused. This short period when the emperor, "consumed with age," dropped the bridle, and saw the great look up. Also became sole ruler in 814, Louis drove advisers of his father, and Wala Adalard. He tried to clean up the manners of the court, continued reform of the Church with Benedict (Benedict Aniane) and perfected institutions.
In 817, he associated to power his eldest son Lothair. His other son, Pepin, was placed on the throne of Aquitaine, but Louis took care to separate Gothia with Toulouse to entrust Guilhelme son of Bernard of Septimania. His other son Louis was made King of Bavaria and his nephew Bernard held the throne of Italy. These decisions displease the Great some of which are allied to the king of Italy. "This year, shortly after having defected, was arrested and deprived of both sight and life by Bertmund, prefect of the province of Lyon" (Nithard History son of Louis the Pious, the Belles Lettres, 1964 ).
In 821, Benedict's death, to replace the emperor recalled Wala and Adalard, hoping to appease the disgruntled. A widower, he married the beautiful Judith whom he had, in 823, a son, Charles. Judith, ambitious and intelligent, intrigued to assign the child a part of the Empire. This ambition earned him the hatred of the aristocracy.
In 826, a count of the March of Spain revolted with the complicity of the emir of Cordoba, Abd al-Rahman II. The rebellion had the appearance of an uprising against the Franks: a Catalan historian will see the "latest manifestation of a political wisigothisme." Aizon actually was the leader of a small group isolated and combined with Wala clan, or rather manipulated by it. He had met shortly before Wala in Aachen, having quarreled with the emperor about Bernard of Septimania, he wanted the honors. Who managed with difficulty to repel the army Aizon with only septimaniennes Forces loyal. Louis was sent to reinforce the army commanded by the counts Matfrid and Hughes, but the latter sold to Wala, did not intervene, hoping to defeat the Goth. The imperial reaction was immediate: Matfrid and Hugues were sentenced to death; intervention Wala save their life. To rectify the situation, Louis gave the "first place" Bernard (829) which, with the support of Judith, was exiled Wala in an abbey and return Lothair in Italy. So, always supported by Judith, he tried to purge the court of a parasite nomenklatura, a worthy model of the gesture he was unceremoniously and incurred the hatred of all the dispossessed and propaganda help, the historians. Little Charles, the future "the Bald", was allotted his share of empire: the Alémanie, his mother's homeland, with Alsace, Raetia and the territory roughly corresponding to the current Burgundy. "As Lothario he tried now, while concealing from ruin by his occult maneuvers that his father had decided. That's why Louis took as a support Bernard, Duke of Septimania, he created chamberlain, Charles told him and gave him second place in the empire "(Nithard, oc). In the Italian version of Aimerides, Bernard became the advisor of Charlemagne with his brothers after they have eliminated the "traitors of Mainz." "Jealous barons, under cover of the crown prince crown, thinking to take advantage of the opportunity to oust the Narbonne they consider too influential and seize power ..." (Joël-H. Grisward, oc). Nithard "Lothario as he tried, while concealing his secret maneuvers by ruin ..."
Wala, in the abbey of Corbie, organized a smear campaign against the Wilhelmide and Judith, with the support Great. Hélisachar himself participated in the conspiracy. They proclaimed a "traitor" anyone who does not defend the empire against the "tyrant adultery", that is to say, Bernard. The hatred of the Goths, who had fallen asleep for a century, awoke abruptly with the weakening of the dynasty.
The testimony of Paschase Radbert could be included in a Stalinist show trial "... and none was more annoyed that the day that scoundrel Bernard was called in Spain, this wretch who abandoned all honor what the doomed its origins. He wallowed in self-satisfaction in the pleasures of the table. He came as an angry boar, and overthrew the palace and demolished the Council ... "And" he drove, he trampled all human and divine counsel, he occupied the bed ... the imperial palace became a hovel where shame dominates, where adultery reign, where crimes abound "(L. Halphen, Charlemagne, Albin Michel - P. Riche, the Carolingians, Hachette). Even Nithard is there with: "Bernard, recklessly abusing his power in the state, upset top to bottom it should, on the contrary, strengthen" is an example on the judgment of a modern historian, " Yet it Bernard, brave indeed, but without boastful spirit, was less trustworthy. At the Aix palace, dip it in the most extravagant plot ... "This is exactly the portrait Wala! We saw above. "... Perhaps the separatist movements were they less pronounced without the influence of the negative man was Bernard of Septimania it" (P. Zumthor, Charles the Bald, Tallandier). There is an involuntary to independence hero tribute! We see, in the light of the facts that what characterizes this Wilhelmide is the compliance and the sense of honor. This mindset will cause the paratje. It permeates the manual recommends that Dhuoda fulfill the orders of the King "provided they did nothing contrary to the orders of God." "I believe she wrote the son of Bernard, as your comrades in arms, incapable of treachery, this evil art has never appeared in your ancestors and will not appear in their offspring."
Radbert blamed the duke of Septimania the decay of a society, which began when Charlemagne "consumed age" Wala gave the power to "pursue his passions" (women). Moreover Nithard restores the truth because, after the seizure of power by Lothar he said "the state of the empire, in which each guided by his greed, looking for his own advantage, worsened day by day ...
Bernard was married at Aix-la-Chapelle palace on June 24, 824, the gothane Dhuoda. The latter retired to his property Uzes, wrote a manual for the education of his son Guilhelme which had been removed very young, as his second son, the future Plantevelue Bernard, the duke of Septimania removed himself before he was baptized. "Of all the writings due to women born on the soil of France, manual Dhuoda is the oldest to have survived ... it shows a knowledge that gives a high idea of educating girls Septimanie ..." writes Edward Bondurand who published in 1886 (Manual Dhuoda, Mégariotis Reprints, Geneva, 1978). The book reflects the confusion of an aristocrat who attends the dissolution of the Empire and its values. "What is the benefit of one, indeed, is the loss of the other" ... "The iniquity overflows and love disappears." In some moving passages broke the despair of a mother separated from her children, harsh law of a clan of warriors. They say she was exiled to Uzes. Rather it seems that was forced to reside in due to poor health did not allow him to follow the restless and nomadic life of her husband, she had tried to accompany him, but "... my constant state of suffering, events, and the obstacle of my weakness delivered my frail body to the perils of any kind. Thanks to God and the value of your father, I escaped all these dangers, but my mind returns to the violent incidents. " One thinks of leaving Aix, in disaster, fleeing killers launched their heels. The reminder that creed of Christian education - taken by the Cathars - "teaching of love is the most learned education, and covers everything from brightly gleams." Lothair in 830, managed to rally his brothers to his cause and "all the people claiming the need to restore the state" (Nithard). Louis surprised at Compiegne, was taken prisoner, Judith enclosed in a convent, his brothers in the care of Pepin of Aquitaine. Bernard fled Gothia with his wife, who then lived with him in court. It is this episode alludes Dhuoda. But Bernard's brother, Herbert, was caught, is blinded. As for Charles it was entrusted to the monks. "For the French begin to revolt, to make both war and behave like fools, they burn villages, are ravaging the country, they do not wish to stand in peace respecting Louis "(The Coronation of Louis, oc). The state of the Empire, so "worsening day by day," the clergy delegated austrasien an abbot Guntbald, with Louis. It sent to his son Pepin and Louis of Bavaria to negotiate their rallying in exchange for a new division of the Empire. In October 830, an assembly met in Nijmegen restored Louis. "The queen and her brothers were returned to him and all the people submitted to his rule" (Nithard). But the intrigues recommenced Guntbald much as Louis Bernard Pepin and using their influence to get the "second best". The latter two are united, The Pious confiscated Aquitaine he attributed to Charles. For its part Lothario helped Matfrid and Wala, managed to obtain the support of Pope Gregory IV who crossed the border with the rebels. The Emperor, at the head of a powerful army, went to meet them. While he was negotiating with the Pope (June 833) Lothair and his accomplices managed to circumvent the Franks barons who abandoned the Emperor and Louis was deposed a second time! Charles was imprisoned in the abbey of Prüm, Judith exiled in Lombardy. Agobard, Bartholomew of Narbonne, Ebbo of Reims, Amiens Jesse, tried to legitimize the takeover by Lothario: they organized a public penance of Louis the Pious, which took place in the Basilica of Saint-Medard. Then there was another shift in the "opinion", Lothar wanted to appropriate the Empire. A civil war déclancha, Pepin, Bernard and Louis of Bavaria on one side, Lothar and the other damned souls. Imperial forces proving superior to his own, Lothar turned back, freed his father Charles, and fled to Vienna (Isère). Louis went to Pepin of Aquitaine. An army was sent to Britain where refugees were supporters of Lothair, which Matfrid. But against all odds, this army was defeated. Lothar, once "met with a powerful army, arrives at Chalon, laid siege, took it after three days of fighting and burned with churches. He lay in the Saône Gerberge, like a criminal, and beheaded Gozhelm and Sénila, but he gave life to Guerin and forced him to take an oath to help now with all his might "(Nithatd, oc). Gozhelm (Gothzhelm) was the brother of Bernard of Septimania and Gerberge his sister Sénila a count Goth-Guérin (Garin) a cousin who had his revenge soon after. We understand why the Duke of Septimania had put Dhuoda safe in Uzes, in the Gothia untouchable. The feud continued relentlessly. Gothzhelm Marquis was a time of Gothia. His name gave the southern surnames Gaucelme, Gaucelin, Nomade and Joussemet. Dhuoda written GOTHZELM well to emphasize the ethnic determining restoring the t (h) attached to the Frankish mutation t z. The implementation of Wilhelmides in Burgundy, the price of their rallying Childebrand Charles Martel, was carried out in a triangle formed by Autun / Chalon / Macon. It is within these limits, in Cluny, the little son of Bernard, William (Guilhelm) Aquitaine founded the famous abbey. Lothair won Orleans to "deliberate" says Nithard, that is to say, to try once again to seduce the "people." Louis the Pious and Louis the German (Bavarian) joined forces and marched in front of the felon. The meeting took place in Chouzy, this time the army remained loyal. Lothair, who relied on their defection "seeing neither the means of escape or battle" promised to board the Alps. Primarily responsible for the deposition, which Agobard are deposited. In 839, at the instigation of Judith, the empire was divided between Charles and Lothair. Pepin of Aquitaine died, "Louis brings a strong army" and imposed the Charles Aquitaine. In 840, "in the midst of the growing evils of this century, and as the kingdom sank in revolutions and discord, the Emperor went where we all" ... (Dhuoda). Learning the death of his father, the incorrigible Lothario wanted to succeed, forgetting his promise to respect the division. He "sent messengers everywhere and it attracts large: driven by greed or fear, we ran all around his approach" (Nithard).
After trying unsuccessfully to defeat the king of Bavaria, he sailed to the Aquitaine to submit Charles. The Aquitaine who elected Pepin II (son of Pepin I) were in revolt, according to their custom. June 840 June 841, skirmishes in palaver, everyone was working to gather more supporters. Having received reinforcements Guerin, Charles went to Nevers to meet Bernard of Septimania. But this one, "was his habit, refrained from going to him, saying he was engaged with Pepin and his people" (Nithard), noting that this commitment is not obliged to conclude "pact with anyone without the consent of each other "basic rule of chivalrous honor. He promises to return within fifteen days he found Charles at Bourges, and confirmed its refusal to hire. Nithard, unjust, wrote that "Charles with difficulty supporting the betrayals he had once committed against his father, and he continued to be guilty for it, decided to take him by surprise." (Nithard, cousin of Charles, he admits, is not impartial, "unable to bear to hear bad things about our family, I find it much more difficult to tell myself," livre3, oc). However, as we have seen, the Duke has never betrayed Louis, if not propaganda designed by Wala. The "traitor" is one who tries to take the other by surprise. The Goth on guard, was able to escape, but many of his friends killed.
"Bernard, become more humble (!) After that, soon returned begging (!) To Charles, saying he had been faithful to him once, he wanted to be even if he had had the opportunity and it would be in the future, despite the affront he had to wipe, he asked Charles not to challenge him, and if someone wanted to contradict him, he offered to wash the charge weapons in hand "(Nithard). The king, "generously" forgave him, the "loaded with presents and favors, received and sent friendship attempt, according to his promise, Pepin decide to quote" (Nithatd). One can imagine the importance and power of Gothia, in this episode treated with bias by Nithard.
Following the intervention of Bernard, a party with Aquitains Judith joined the king and the Burgundians supporters Goth. And Louis of Bavaria came to join forces with his.
On June 21, 841, the two armies came face to face in Fontenay-en-Puisaye. And June 25, they fought in the "bigger" battle of the time. "And after a huge massacre Lothair won the advantage, but suddenly the Duke Garin came with Toulouse and Provence, rekindled the fight, and Lothair had to flee" (Adhemar de Chabannes, Chronicles, NRF 1947). However Bernard of Septimania, "although it was not far from the battlefield only three places" (Nithard) had not intervened. It should be understood "not personally intervened" to meet its commitments to Pepin, but he gave his Provence and Toulouse who, under the orders of Garin had tipped the balance. Chivalry allowed some arrangement to give Guerin opportunity to avenge the brother and sister of Bernard (Gothzelm and Gerberge), and the humiliation was inflicted Lotahaire to Chalon.
Charles went to Guilhelm, the son of Bernard, the Burgundian property of the clan. The Duke promised to intervene again to Pepin to achieve peace, "he went well with him, but got no submission" (Nithard). The partition of the empire, the territorial ambitions of each other, led the Wilhelmide playing a dangerous game, which cost him his life, but avoided the Gothia being annexed.
In 842, unable to agree with Lothar, Charles and Louis lent famous' oaths of Strasbourg. " At the end of the year, however, they reached an agreement and signed in August 843, a treaty which divided the empire in three: Charles inherits Neustria with Aquitaine and Gothia. This new situation gave Bernard of Septimania to oppose Charles the Bald. Always allied with Pepin of Aquitaine and followed by a large part of it recognizes the sovereignty of Lothair, he preferred to deal with his worst enemy to preserve Gothia.
Charles responds quickly besieging Toulouse (May 844).
Bernard is then presented to the royal camp to negotiate, at the request of the king. Once it did capture and beheading after a summary trial, according to the official version given by various records. But a columnist Heribert Odon, gives a different version that is likely to be true in the context of the time and the relationship between the two men.
The interview took place in the monastery of Saint-Sernin. When Bernard knelt in accordance with the rules of protocol, Charles the Bald planted his dagger in the heart of Goth. This desire to "parricide" has long been obsessed Austrasian disturbed by gossip, launched by Wala, relations with his mother Wilhelmide, especially the noise ran he "had a wonderful resemblance" Bernard (Ariberti) .. The super one who always refused to submit, had exacerbated his hatred. "Charles put his foot on the body of the Duke saying," misfortunes you who dared to defile the bed of my father and thy lord "(Dom Vaissete, XXVII).
Gothia in southern Sunifred of Urgell and his brother Sunyer Ampurias took after him, avoiding the Frankish response. While continuing the siege of Toulouse, Charles, "King of the Franks and Goths" publishes a chapter to promote the plight of the "Hispanic", giving them the wastelands of the Spanish March, with their legal autonomy guaranteed under Visigothic law.
The remaining impregnable city, reinforcements are called. Angoumois arrived, they were intercepted by the Goths and Aquitaine led by the young son of Dhuoda, Guilhelm Septimania and flatly crushed (June 14, 844). In the camp of the Franks, was killed Nithard weapons in hands. Guilhelm had followed the advice of her mother, she asked him to serve faithfully Charles, "however, my son, my first wish is that you honor your father ... Chastise those who are at fault, both by word and by the yard , if necessary. "
In northern Spain, in the valley of the Ebro, of Tudela in Zaragoza and Huesca, a Muslim leader, Moussa, a Spanish-Gothic family, had carved out a domain at the expense of his lord, the Emir of Cordoba.
Decided to finish with Pepin II, Charles treated with Moussa, with even less qualms that Pepin was allied with Abd El Rahman, the emir of Cordoba, which he sent an embassy young Guilhelm. The emir received with all the honors and itself provides warriors. Bernard's son could then impose in Barcelona (848).
The king had left Toulouse, but Pepin, unable to resist the incursions of the Normans, was released by the Aquitaine. Charles came under the walls of Toulouse after a principled resistance, the time of negotiations, the city was delivered by Count Frédelo, who was appointed by Pepin. Charles kept him in office to avoid an uprising of the Goths. This Frédelo will cause the count dynasty, the "Raimondins." His father, Fulgoald, Goth, was project manager (missus) in Rouergue by Louis the Pious and was appointed First Count by Pepin after the revolt of 833. (Fulgoald: the fulgins ald and Gothic with euphonious connection; approx "protected life.").
To submit Septimania, Charles marched to Narbonne. Mobilized the Goths went forth to meet him. Under threat the king renounced his project.
In 850, perhaps in keeping with the Franks, Moussa began a campaign against his suzerain advantage of the absence of Guilhelm Barcelona, Charles sent some of his associates, under the leadership of Aleran, who managed to excite the faithful of Sunifred who resented the Wilhelmide, the latter on his return was seized and executed. He was born November 29 826.
"The struggle is everywhere today Dhuoda wrote to his son, I'm afraid you're driven there with your companions, because, according to the words of the Apostle, the days are evil, and he will raise troubled times. "
In 852, the Franks Pepin was delivered by a count of Navarre ally Moussa. But Pepin managed to escape and keep the bush until 864, captured by the Count of Poitou he was sentenced to death.
Charles replaced him with his son Charles the Younger, the new king of Aquitaine, like its predecessors, is influenced by the Goths in the country and intrigued with them. Faithful to the Carolingian Count Raymond of Toulouse was assassinated. The chief quotas francs the Alaman Hunfred, took the head of the revolt (863) inadequately supported by the people he was defeated and deposed and Charles went to Toulouse son of Raymond Bernard, giving him more, Rouergue .
Meanwhile, the second son of Bernard of Septimania, Bernard Plantevelue, ran quietly County Autun. He was twenty three years and wanted to draw a line under the past. At a meeting held in Pîtres (Eure), in 864, Charles, still plagued by hate, spread the rumor that the young man wanted to murder and under this pretext, deposed its Burgundian property. Bernard resisted by arms for a few years but was finally forced to flee to Lorraine (868), where Lothair II reigned. At his death the following year, Charles was crowned king of Lorraine. Bernard so honored him. But Louis the German, recovering from a serious illness, summoned his brother evacuate Aachen where he settled. Finally the two sovereigns came to an agreement and divided the country
The revolts of the son, the son of Charles, Carloman, and those of the son of Germanic disturbed the order in the former empire. On this occasion, Charles the Bald showed what he was capable of, imitating his father, he put out the eyes of Charlemagne.
The young Charles had died in 866, the king was replaced by Louis le Begue Aquitaine. He told Gothia a cousin Plantevelue Bernard of Gothia. The second son of Dhuoda recovery, it seems for some time Autun and became Count of Auvergne, it is unclear by what artifice or compromise by which he managed to find favor with the king .. Before 876, the Gothic triangle was run by a Eckart, and the death of one, taken by Bernard of Gothia.
In 875 Charles was crowned emperor in Rome. Louis the German disappeared the following year, the new emperor resolved to restore the unity of the empire, or at least to regain Austrasia and to Aix-la-Chapelle the capital. He was soundly defeated at Andernach by the troops of the German son, Louis the Younger, he attacked (oct.876). Bernard Plantevelue fighting in the imperial camp.
In Septimania, Bernard of Gothia were difficult to win, Count of Carcassonne leader effective resistance. His cousins, descendants of a brother Guilhelm Gellone, Adalhelm (Alleaume) were placed on the head by Charles counties Périgueux and Angoulême. Later, in 903, the Septimanien goth Rothbald become Count of Provence ("Provence and the feudal society," Jean-Pierre Poly, Bordas 1976) and leader of the first dynasty in this country, "Guilhelmides."
Charles the Bald struggled in the feudalism of striking vitality to save the Empire, or what was left. He answered the call of Pope threatened by Arab raids. Taking advantage of the absence of large revolted, among them Bernard and Bernard of Gothia Plantevelue. Charles died while returning from Italy to fight. His successor, Louis le Begue began to fight against Bernard of Gothia which had almost come to gather all areas of Wilhelmides. Louis was, of course, supported by the Plantevelue. His cousin suffered a severe defeat, plus it had made the mistake, in Burgundy, to seize church property, which had led to his being excommunicated by Pope John VIII. Louis then deposed and conceded
the counties of Barcelona and Girona Count of Urgell Wilfred; Roussillon was given to Miro, both small-son of goth Bello of Carcassonne. Septimania returned, finally, Bernard Plantevelue. Bernard of Gothia still had supporters and Begue died in early 879, then he would fight.
As Louis the Pious had been entrusted to Guilhelm Gellone as Charles the Bald, child, was initiated by the arms of Bernard Septimania's son Louis was in the custody of Bernard Plantevelue. Amazing continuity of this unique and troubled alliance between Carolingians and Wilhelmides since Martel, whose medieval gestures echo.
"Large" tried to pass the "France" under the control of Louis the Younger. Plantevelue with Theodoric of Vermandois and Abbot Hugh, did elect Louis III King Neustria and his brother Carloman king in Aquitaine and Burgundy. To avoid a conflict of Lotharingia was abandoned son of Germanic. With Charlemagne, Bernard Plantevelue definitely beat Bernard of Gothia (879). It will dominate the undisputed master dear Gothia his parents until his death, weapons in the hands fighting against the king of Provence Boson (886).
The young son of Louis, well supported, proved energetic and seemed called for a bright future, but unfortunately one died in 882 and another two years later. They had barely twenty years. Nobility recognized Charles the Fat (885) which refit for a very short time the facade of unity of the Empire. It will give the rich Aquitaine Bernard Plantevelue. On the death of one, his son became the first Guilhelme Aquitaine (William the Pious), but gave Gothia that was entrusted to Otto, Count of Toulouse and Duke of Gothia, brother of the murdered Count Bernard, told , by Plantevelue. Catalonia Counts also say "Duke of Gothia". Feudalism was established, not without pain, after violent struggles that allowed in the south, to prevent "ethnic" gothic be assimilated by the Franks (dendrogram chap. 4) . And that, in large part thanks to the prestige and value of Wilhelmides worthy heirs of Balthes and Amali
Languedoc, overcrowded, adapted itself to the consequences of the loss of Spain. The land was distributed into lots exempt from tax, "aprisiones." Many Gothic traditions survived, consulates were the avatars of village assemblies. In the eighth century the development of agriculture was remarkable Cevennes the Pyrenees, half a century ahead of the development of the northern countries that adopted in some parts of the system aprisions (hospitia) to encourage the clearing. Posted by Charlemagne as missus in Gothia, the Théodulph described as a rich and colorful country that was engaged in trade with the Arabs, the antithesis of the image of a "desert province" as have many historians.
Despite this, the country cramped, could not provide ownership to all: the landless warriors formed a military nobility in the service of the powerful, in Aquitaine, Provence and Burgundy up. Fighters, guards castles and abbey (caslans), they became the Knights Cabalarios (Aimeri his son "Go in France, show you conquerors" above 8).
Before being called Languedoc, name slamming like a banner which was given by the enemies officials in recognition of difference, Gothia died after two decade of struggle, in 1229 (Treaty of Meaux). Raimond Trancavel not made his final submission in 1247, and Toulouse was attached to the crown in 1271. Apart from the role of the Franks and the papacy, it is clear that incompetence and / or timidity of the last count, and his betrayal Trancavel has a lot ... It is true that it is easy to judge afterwards ...
The Goths had developed in their refuge Gallic civilization which was the admiration of strangers: "The French monarchy is well settled in the south of the country and national unity was strengthened by the destruction of a civilization penetrated Beauty and eager enjoyment which had developed its own ... Long devastation and the intrusion of French, foreign elements have resulted to give the coup de grace to the shimmering world in which reflected both the Antiquity, the Middle East and the Feudal Age "(K. Hampe, The Middle Ages, translated from the German by MII. Desanti, Gallimard).
Time of the kingdom of Toledo, Isidore of Seville ("History of the Goths, Vandals and Suevi" ed.Paleo) wrote: "But who can blame the people for sitting Goth its so much more power using its men and prayers when necessity drove them to fight. " Today, men have changed or losing memory, or there is more need in the world as it is, to save people first four millennia ...
Is END, like the Nartes ? "Do we not say to ourselves that God glory without end is better than endless life? Everyone dug his grave and lay there. Thus perished the illustrious Nart "(" The Book of Heroes "legend on Nart, translation Dumezil, Gallimard-UNESCO, 1965).
"Virtually the war was also done well against the Catholics of the South as against the Cathars were a minority. In fact, the Catholics of the South took advantage of their freedom for the province against the Norse invaders. It was not a civil war, the Count of Toulouse was not French. We learn, and it may shock, the French behaved as occupiers. They massacred, killed, raped. In this case, the French are the SS. It is very unpleasant to hear that but it's the truth. " (Alain Decaux, "National Education" 1966).
Annex 1 (renaissance_carolingienne_et_les_Goths )
Carolingian Renaissance _and_ the Goths
Languedoc, after the conquest did not disappear, once recovered from the trauma, he actively participated in the so-called "French" civilization (the Goths were already behind the Carolingian Renaissance). It is also our heritage that we have developed thanks to Fermat, Brassens, Monfreid Daudet, Pagnol, Toulouse-Lautrec, P.SABATIER, J. Dausset, A.Comte La Perouse, Gide, Florian, Jean Jaurès ... and hundreds of others, to the point where we can say that the French are, for the most part, of Languedoc Culture ...
"Languedoc Languegoth most often, that is to say, countries in the language of the Goths, according to the interpretation of Renaissance scholars (including cleaning cites opinions). Our author mentions" the chievres Languegoth "(The language of Rabelais / L. Sainéan ..)
. "Languedoc, m acu t ... Means the country that is already stretched out despuis the Bridge of S. Spirit even to the Bridge of S. Sulran lez Tolose, that no want to go to Latin Gallia Narbonensis by:. But limits 'icelle bring by Pomponius Mela and other Geographers do not comply. This is a part thereof, Gallia Narbonensis, but not all icelle. believe that says No country has such a name, by what people spond positively to iceluy voulans wear that word oc, meaning ouy, and say that the difference in this country Languedouy. told But it is quite different. For Languedoc is a corrupt word cestuy Languegoth that the estoit name that the French donnoyent to the region of that country who estoit the crown of the Visigoths, which the royal seat estoit in the city from Toulouse, while the French and also the appeloyent by this other name and Gallegoth Gaulegoth, Gallia Gothica. And provincial churches cathedrals in the world, is writeth thus: In Gothia Archiepiscopus Narbonensis hos habet suffraganeos, Carcassonensis, Agathensis, Sancti Pontij Tomeriarum, Electensis, Megalonensis, Elnensis, Biterrensis, Lodouensis, Nemaucensis, Vticensis, Who all are the convening of Estates that country, and many older titles that country is the word Lingothia, Sincope of cestuy Linguagothia for word Languedoc. And now means one who is in this country there nay, as Provençal, he who is nay Provence. There some who make these words a Linguaoccitana and Linguoccitanus but out of reason "(etymological dictionary, Menage)
This means that until the Renaissance Languedoc is still seen as the land of the Goths, although the etymology is questionable. Rabelais, who studied in Montpellier and the perceived-and did not like the people, "the Goths have to destroy all good literature" ... ( Because they do not speak French ? )
Bernard Vernet-poirson (Author) with the kind assistance of Magali de Menerba
( translation-traduction Ms de s ) for sepulveda 940 (april 2013)
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